✰•first dance•✰

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I m a g i n e : You and Finn go to a dance at your nice private school, and share your first dance together, but Finn is a rough guy, and causes scene..

Word Count: 3391

[ sorry, long-ass chapter ;) ]


"y/n, go ask him! he's right there!"
your best friend, Charlie encouraged you as you both watched finn through the wide window as he served Starbucks to a customer at the counter.

your face grew hot, not knowing if he would want to go with you to the dance at your school.

you attended a private school; the school that would get you into a great college, but finn didn't attend that school.

he met you when you attended the regular high school, and occasionally, you two would hang out.

now you two hang out more frequently, and are technically dating.
and although you two shared multiple sweet kisses and went on dates, you two never spoke about whether or not you two were boyfriend and girlfriend officially.

so that's why you weren't sure he would want to go with you to the winter formal at your prestigious school.

"you know what-i'll come back later.."
you began to try to walk away from the Starbucks but Charlie grabbed your arm.

"dude, go in there! you have to!"
she exclaimed, her eyes looking eager for you.

you sighed, a shy smile growing on your face.

"okay..i'll be back in a few minutes."
you finally said, your cheeks blushing as you walked through the door of the coffee shop, seeing Charlie give you a thumbs up as she went to go observe you from a table.

you made your way over to the counter, seeing finn typing in something on the register for another customer that was in front of you.

she finally finished her order, and you stepped up to the counter, "hey..", you said softly, his eyes looking up from the screen with a smile once he saw you.

"hey, what's up?"
finn asked, his voice was smooth once he saw you standing in front of the counter in all your beauty.

you could practically see his heart eyes once he smiled his perfect smile.

"are you busy right now?"
you asked, clearing your throat as you fidgeted nervously with your hoodie strings.

"nope. just got on my break, actually."
finn shook his head with a smile, before he took off his apron and set it under the counter, running a hand through his hair as he walked around the counter to your side.

"you want a coffee or something?"
finn asked, looking down at you with his hands in his pockets.

"i could go for a muffin.."
you say, glancing at the muffin and cookie bar by the tables.
finn smirks, leading you to the muffin table as you follow him.

"so, there's this winter formal thing going on at my school tonight. kinda like this thing where people go to eat and talk and sometimes dance.."
you speak up, trailing as finn holds up a muffin for you, which you gladly accept.

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