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I m a g i n e : Introducing your boyfriend, Finn, to your parents..  ;(

Word Count: 1477

a/n: one of my favorites..😢


"y/n, what shirt should i wear? this black one, or this other black one?"
finn asked you on FaceTime, spreading his clothing options from Saint Laurent among his bed as he turned the camera on his phone so you could see his shirts.

you considered them, but you also just wanted finn to dress and be himself.

"finn, i wouldn't mind if you showed up in just a band shirt and joggers. i just want you to feel welcomed and just be yourself, babe. they're gonna love you."
you reassured your boyfriend, knowing that he was nervous about meeting your parents.

" thanks. i'll be at your house in a few minutes after i change. bye, babe."
finn said, and ended the FaceTime call so he could get dressed in his favorite band shirt, listening to your advice.

finn put on a snap-back, then got into his car and drove to your house, pulling up on the large driveway before walking up and knocking on your front door.

you heard finn knocking, and smoothed your hair and shirt before opening the door, seeing your boyfriend.
good, he took your advice and just decided on being himself with band shirts.

he said before stepping inside to give you a peck on the lips.

"how do i look?"
finn asks as you close the door after he steps inside.

"baby, you look great."
you said, trying to reassure your boyfriend because he looked awfully nervous.

you heard footsteps drawing nearer to you both, and you felt finn tense, in which you held his hand to soothe him.

"finn wolfhard, the stranger things star."
your dad walked into the room declaring Finn's presence.

"that's me."
finn said, his voice obviously shaking as your dad walked closer.

"Sam L/N."
your dad introduced himself as he extended his hand to shake Finn's.

finn released your hand to shake your father's and to see the smile on your dad's face, you knew he was trying to make finn nervous.

"nice to meet you, sir."
finn respectfully answered, as he released his dad's hand and immediately went to hold your hand again.

"so, i hear you're awfully busy with filming movies and such. must be a stressful career. so stressful in fact, that my daughter could get pushed aside from priorities."
your father assumed with an intimidating face, and you knew he was now trying to test finn's morals and philosophies.

"no, sir i love to act. but i also know how much your daughter means to me, and i've never put my work before y/n. she always comes first."
finn defended himself, slowly regaining confidence and defended you as well.

your father looked finn dead in the eyes as he held his breath, searching his face for any sign of lying.

but he couldn't find any, because Finn told the truth.

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