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I m a g i n e: Netflix & cHilL with Finn..;)

Word Count: 565


"Okay, okay. Who would win against a demogorgon and a demodog at the same time?Sam and Dean from Supernatural, or The AV club from Stranger Things?"
You asked Finn while you laid your head on his chest, the two of you watching Supernatural[ aka my absolute favorite show besides ST ] together on your bed.

"Well..definitely The AV club."
Finn replied hesitantly, running his fingers through your hair as he felt you giggle into his chest.

"What? No way. Sam and Dean would've killed a demogorgon in 15 minutes tops."
You replied, your smile breaking through as you turned to look up at Finn chuckling.

"Yeah, actually you're right."
Finn said, rubbing his eyes with slight embarrassment.

You smiled at him, trying to get up from your bed before you felt Finn grip your wrist.

"Wait, where are you going?"
Finn whined, not wanting you to leave him.

"Baby, I'm just going to go get changed for bed. If we're gonna binge Supernatural, I want to be in comfortable pajamas."
You joke, taking your wrist out of Finn's grasp.

You left him whining cutely for you on your bed, while you walked to your closet that you shared with Finn and opened it, revealing your forest of clothes, most of which were Finn's.

You looked through for a baggy hoodie of Finn's to change into, and chose some tight pajama shorts.

While you were beginning to strip down, and when you had taken off your shirt, you felt Finn's arms slither around your bare waist, sneaking up behind you.
You could feel his breath on the crook of your neck, making you shiver, his curly hair brushing against your cheek.

"Remember that 'outfit' you bought to wear for me when I came back home from filming last week? You should wear that one tonight.."
Finn whispered seductively into your ear as he pointed to the lingerie night gown in the closet you bought last week for him.
It was black, and just mostly lace that barely covered up any parts of your body.

"You look so hot.."
The feeling of his fingertips brushing your bare waist made you shutter from electricity.

You turned around in Finn's arms, so that your bare chest was pressed against his.
You stared into Finn's eyes, able to identify traces of yearning and lust for you.

You slowly leaned towards Finn's lips, your breath hitting his nose.
His hands moved to your lower waist, about to escalate things before you moved away from his lips, a smirk on your face.

"Later tonight, Finn. I thought we were watching Supernatural?"
You joked, continuing to slip on Finn's hoodie, and putting on the pajamas shorts.

"Damn, you're such a tease."
Finn whined, his face pouting once he realized you were messing with him.

"And you're wearing those?!"
Finn exclaimed, pointing to your tight pajama shorts that defines your ass really well.

"Time to teach you some self-control, Mr. Wolfhard."
You said, this time, your voice in a seductive tone as you smirked at him when you walked back to your bed, Finn soon joining you to scoop you in his arms.
He spooned you, snuggling his face into your neck while his arms wrapped around your waist.

"Damn it, this is gonna be a long night."
Finn pouted, his yearning for you even more intense while he watched more Supernatural episodes with you, not realizing the triumphant smirk on your face.


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