✰•criminal love pt.3•✰

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P A R T 3

I m a g i n e: You and your boyfriend Finn are badass criminals. You steal things, kill people, and everything in-between.
So, how will you two react to your surprise pregnancy?

Word Count: 1277

[ C O N T I N U E D ] : ↴


|| Y/N POV ||

You didn't move from your position in the bathroom until you heard the warehouse doors open and close, then footsteps.

You jerked your head up, hearing the footsteps coming nearer to the bathroom.

Your heart palpated at the thought of Finn returning home just to tell you that it's over between you two.
That he never truly loved you enough to stay.

Finn's steps finally made it to the bathroom door, and his face seemed concerned and disappointed to see you still on the floor.

And for some reason, you just began crying again once you saw his eyes.
You're broken.

"Baby..Hey..it's okay, it's okay."
Finn immediately lunged towards you to the floor, scooping you up into his arms as he rocked you back and forth.

"I thought y-you left me.."
You said, your tears breaking through your voice as your heart throbbed with pain.

You clutched onto Finn's hoodie for dear life, soaking the fabric with your tears.
He didn't mind.

"What? Y/N, I would never leave you. You know that."
Finn said soothingly into your ear, stroking your hair with his fingertips.
His voice sounded surprised, and you sighed with relief.

Your breath was shuttering as you pulled your face away from his hoodie to look into his eyes.
"You wouldn't?"
You asked, just desperate to hear those words again.

"I would never leave you. You mean too much to me."
Finn said with his whole heart in his words.

You two never said 'I love you' to each other, because you two were never the type of people to say it.

But you two just knew you loved each other, and when Finn said that you 'meant too much to him', that was his way of saying he loved you.

You nodded, and allowed him to help you up to your feet, and to your bedroom that you shared with him.
You both got changed into comfortable clothes quickly, and snuggled under the covers together.
Your head laid against his chest, your hand tracing circles against his core.
His arm was around you, stroking your hair as you felt yourself relaxing into him.

You both just stared at the ceiling in silence, contemplating this choice.

If all things went well, this silence would be replaced with your infant's cries in the future.

"So, I was thinking about what you said earlier..about giving up crime."
Finn broke the silence, and his fingers continued to run through your hair to comfort you.

You slightly tensed at his words, but relaxed once his hand moved to your waist protectively.
You hummed in response, your eyes fluttering.

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