✰•romeo & juliet Pt.2•✰

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I m a g i n e: Having a huge crush on your best friend, Finn, and when you both get cast into the high school play "Romeo and Juliet", you're cast as 'Juliet' , and Finn is cast as 'Romeo'.
But were either of you really acting?

[ C O N T I N U E D ] : ↴


  ..The way his soft lips danced with yours was exhilarating.
  The way his hand brushed your cheek was stomach-fluttering.

  You tilted your head to match his lips' movements, and it was at this moment, that you realized you were no longer acting.

And almost as soon as it had started, Finn's lips left yours in a trance.
  His eyes searched yours for any sign of returned love for him.
  He found it, for you loved him so greatly.

Romeo: " Then from my lips, by thine, my sin is purged."
Juliet: " Then have my lips the sin they have took."
Romeo: "Sin from my lips? O trespass sweetly urged!
Give me my sin again."

[Romeo kisses her again]

(Translation: Romeo's lovesick depression was cured from having kissed Juliet, and wants to kiss her again.)

You and Finn said your assigned lines with real emotion, rather than acting it.
  And it was time for the final kiss, the most passionate one.

You stared up into Finn's eyes, his lips eager to feel yours upon his once again.
  He moved his hand from your cheek to your jawline, stroking it softly before leaning in slowly to your lips.

  It was like a drug to feel Finn's lips on yours, the way they moved so softly and gently across your mouth was intoxicating.
  He was so eager to kiss you longer, that his hand moved from your jawline to your hair, running his fingers through your perfectly curled hair.

And once the curtains closed for intermission along with applause, you two were still kissing without any plan of ever letting each other's lips leave.
  It wasn't until Jane interrupted you two.

"Alright you two, we get it, you love each other, but the curtain is closed. No need for make-out sessions where everyone could see you, go to the make-up rooms or something. You got 15 minutes till curtains open again."
Jane said strictly, for she was the stage manager.
But she had this smirk like she knew that you two weren't necessarily acting.

She left you and Finn alone to gaze into each other's eyes lovingly, eager to explore this newfound emotion with each other.

"Y/N, I wasn't acting."
Finn confessed, his hands now intertwined with yours.
He seemed nervous out of fear of being rejected.

  You smiled at his awkwardness that you fell in love with.

"Me either.."
  You confessed to him, a huge wave of relief washing over Finn's face.

He smiled at you so brightly, and it was the look of someone so madly in love that they couldn't see straight.

"Then, 'Give me my sin again'.."
Finn said with a smirk, restating his previous line to you about asking for another kiss.

You giggled as you leaned forward till your lips touched once again, the feeling becoming natural to you for you had wanted this for so long.

"I-i love you, Y/N.. I have so long."
Finn mumbled huskily against your lips as he kissed you more passionately, feeling his hand brush through your hair once again.

  "I love you too.."
You reciprocated with such love.

"Get a room!"
  Jane yelled.


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