✰•birthday surprise•✰

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Imagine: Finn's on tour with Calpurnia, and it's his first time in a while being away from you for this long(5 months). He keeps scrolling through pictures of you guys together on his phone, and during a concert, receives a surprise from you..

"Dude, why have you been scrolling on your phone for the last hour? We gotta go get ready to perform."

Finn was snapped out of his saddened trance by his friend, Jack of Calpurnia.
But Finn couldn't help it.

He missed you so much.

"I-I cant stop thinking about her. She's been on my mind all day. She always is."
He said in a lowered whisper, and continued to scroll through photos of you two.

Hugging and laughing.

You sitting on his lap while dying of laughter with him.

Kissing him in front of the Disneyland Castle.

And one where Quincy took a picture of you guys on the couch, snuggled up, asleep.

Finn ran a hand through his hair, and turned off his phone as he sighed.

He really missed you.

"Yeah, Alright. Just let me get my guitar."
Finn said, standing from the couch backstage of the venue, minutes away from the concert beginning.

Jack smirked to himself, knowing something that Finn didn't.

Jack left Finn to himself to gather his guitar and composure, trying to clear his head of the overwhelming thoughts of you before he made his way to the stage.

He couldn't wait to get home to you.


"Hey everyone, thanks for coming out to see us tonight, I hope your all doing well."
Finn announced Calpurnia to the fans, hyping them up with their screams and hollers.

Finn smiled weakly at his fans, giving them even more reason to fan-girl.

After he played Y/N's favorite song, Greyhound, the crowd completed it with a round of applause, cheering them on.

Finn was about to announce the next song into the mic before Jack stole it from him.

"Yeah, before our next song we have a surprise for Finn for his birthday today!"
Jack announced excitedly into the mic, making the crowd go wild with suspense and making Finn confused.

"Alright! You can come out now!"
Jack yelled to you on backstage for you to emerge in all your glory.

Time seemed to slow down when Finn caught sight of you in all your beauty.

You seemed to walk through the backstage curtain in slow motion, making Finn practically drool over you.

Finn shouted with happiness when you finally reached him, and his bright smile was enough to brighten an entire universe.

He quickly threw off his guitar strap, and picked you up, twirling you around by your waist with pure joy in his eyes as you stared at his perfect face.

He finally set you down, and it was just you two in that venue as you stared into his eyes, with beautiful pools of rich brown.

His hands never left your waist, and you draped your arms around his neck, your noses practically touching.

"I missed you..so much."
Finn said with wide eyes filled with love, his words quiet enough for only you to hear.

"I missed you too."
You said with a bright smile, and connected your lips to his in a passionate kiss.

You two seemed to forget that there was a crowd watching you, but you didn't care.
And neither did Finn.

He wanted everyone to know exactly how much you meant to him, even if that meant that your relationship is now public.


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