✰•don't leave me pt.1•✰

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P A R T  1

I m a g i n e : You get accepted to go to the college of your dreams, and Finn gets upset that you might leave him, making you face a difficult decision..

Word Count : 2430

{{ another multi-part imagine.. ;) }}


you sat at your usual table in the lunch room, finishing up a homework assignment that's due next period, your hand writing at hyper speeds.

the lunch room was buzzing with conversations that you occasionally latched onto listening when your mind wandered to the person's words.

and you didn't hear the footsteps approaching you from behind.

you heard someone from behind you startle you, making you jump in your seat.

"ugh. finn!"
you exclaimed, slightly annoyed as he pecked you on the lips before sitting down next to you, his arm draped around your shoulders.

"why are you always doing your homework at lunch? don't you know that lunch is the time for getting food poisoning from the lunch ladies?"
finn jokes, chuckling with you as you shake your head, blushing.

"right, because colleges look for the kids with the best immune system instead of the best grades."
you replied sarcastically, making finn shake his head at you with his heart-stopping smirk.

finn noticed that you hadn't picked up lunch yet, and he knew that you were hungry because you didn't eat this morning.

"i'm gonna go pick up some of that pizza for you. be right back."
finn offered, placing his hand on your thigh before getting up from the table to walk to the food line.

the entire lunch room followed finn's walk across the room.

the way his curls bounced when he strutted away.

the way his arms swung at his sides like he had the most confidence in the world.

he was definitely the hot guy of the school, and the most popular one at that.

every girl in the lunch room swooned over your boyfriend, Finn Wolfhard.

you were never the most popular girl in school, you were always the quiet girl, but once talked to, your true personality showed.

and finn loved that.

he loved how shy you were sometimes, and how funny you are.

he loved how you didn't care about what others thought about you.

he loved how smart and dedicated you were to school.

he fell in love with everything about you.

so much, in fact, that he asked you out 2 year agos, and have been a strong couple ever since.

however, the words 'i love you' were never uttered to the other, but both of you knew that you felt that way towards each other.

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