✰•criminal love pt.2•✰

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P A R T 2

I m a g i n e: You and your boyfriend Finn are badass criminals. You steal things, kill people, and everything in-between.
  So, how will you two react to your surprise pregnancy?

Word Count: 1109

[ C O N T I N U E D ] : ↴


|| Y/N POV ||

"Baby..I'm pregnant."
You managed to say shakily through your vast seas of emotions coursing through you.

"Pregnant? W-what? How? I mean, I know how it happened but.."
Finn trailed off his sentence with a smirk, but brushed it off.

"F-Finn, I don't know what to do.."
Was all you managed to stutter out to your boyfriend.

Finn was in utter shock.

And so were you.

He kept repeating to himself, trying to wrap his head around the fact that his girlfriend was pregnant..with his child.

"A-are you sure the test is right? Maybe it's wrong or something."
Finn stuttered, and when he does that, it usually means he's stressed and anxious out of his damn mind.

"Babe, these things are never wrong."
You said, your voice dropping as you felt tears well up in the back of your throat.

You had no fucking idea of what to do.

Finn rubbed his head stressfully, and sighed in silence.
His curly hair being messed up by his hand running though it.

"I'm gonna be a dad.."
Finn said to himself with a calming tone, and with a look of surprise, you weren't expecting that answer.

"You're not..you're not mad?"
You asked, your hands now in your skinny jean pockets.

Finn's face contorted into almost an offended look, but he was reluctant.
"No, of course not. But I mean, are you sure we want to keep it? This isn't exactly a good life for a kid, you know."
Finn explained, and you agreed.

"Yeah..I know. But, what if we..retired? Like, gave up crime?"
You offered, your voice now clenching with anxiety.

You had never brought this topic up before.
You never once thought about stopping your crimes.
And Finn knows that.

"But, this is who we are, and frankly, I wouldn't want it another way."
Finn rebutted, and his eyes arched in a possessive way.
He didn't know any other way of living besides this life.
He doesn't like change.

And he doesn't want change.

"I know, but..what if..I want to keep the baby?"
You reluctantly stuttered out, instantly regretting the words that slipped out of your mouth.
This was so unlike you.

"You..want to keep it?"
Finn asked, clearly trying to see if he heard you correctly.
You nodded once, your eyes drifting to the bathroom floor.

Finn rubbed his eyes, not sure how to respond to your decision.

"I can't do this."
Finn finally breathed out, his tone of voice just tired and relentless.
He walked down the hallway towards his weapon room, and shut the door.
He needed time to himself, and you were sure he wasn't going to come out of that room till nightfall. If that.

"Damn it.."
You whispered to yourself, leaning against the bathroom wall, sliding down and sinking to clutch your knees to your chest.

You broke down, tears streaming down your cheeks and staining your jeans.
You buried your head in your fisted hands, stressed out of your own damn mind.

You were scared.
Scared that Finn was going to leave you because of this.

You never cry.
And that's what made this even worse.

It wasn't until an hour later of wallowing in your grief in the bathroom, did you hear movement from Finn's weapon room.

You heard the door open down the hall, and footsteps walking up to the bathroom door, then walking right past it.

You wanted Finn to stop what he was doing to come comfort you, to tell you that he wasn't going to leave you, but he didn't do that.

He didn't comfort you.

You heard the warehouse front doors open and close, letting you know that Finn left you.

Alone in the house to continue to wallow in your tears.
You were broken.

»»————-  ————-««

|| FINN'S POV ||

"I can't do this."
I said to myself, the stress already building on my shoulders as I left Y/N  in the bathroom, and locked myself in my weapon room.

I leaned against the door, sliding down to my knees and clutched them to my chest, my mind just flooding with emotions that I wasn't used to.

I can't do this.
I can't be a dad.

I won't be a dad.
Because I don't want to be like my dad was.

Deep down, I'm terrified of becoming that monster that I used to call my father, and that's what made me walk away from Y/N.
And I feel fucking terrible for leaving her like that, but i can't stand to see the look of disappointment on her face.

I need a fucking drink.

I got my wallet, and my Impala keys, and walk out my weapon room, steadily walking past the bathroom where Y/N was still inside.
She needed space, I assumed, so I was going to let her have it.
I don't like leaving her like this, but I need to clear my head.

I drove my humming Impala to the nearest bar I knew, needing instant gratification.
I parked my car, and waltzed into my favorite building, to order 2 beers as I sat on a bar stool.
I leaned my elbows on the counter as the bartender slid two beer bottles towards me, my head feeling like it was going to implode with thoughts and feelings rushing through it like a stampede.

My girlfriend's pregnant with my child.
And she wants to keep it.
But, I'm scared of becoming my nightmare of my own father.

I can't do that to Y/N, or the kid.
But, I've come this far in life to not be like my dad, and use crime as my outlet.

I just want Y/N to be happy.

And I mean, this is half my fault, it takes two people to make a baby.

I was at the bar for what seemed like hours before I finally decided to call it a night.
I paid for the shots and beers I had, and with my mind finally made up about the whole situation, I got into my Impala and drove back to the warehouse.

As the night street lights filtered inside my car windows, and the night sky dimmed, I knew what my decision was.

My mind was made up, and I knew.

And I was terrified.

To Be Continued..


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