✰•window drive-thru•✰

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I m a g i n e : You being grounded and not allowed to leave the house, but Finn surprises you by bringing some things to your window to cheer you up..

Word Count : 1155


it was a stupid reason, really.

you had been grounded for 'giving attitude' to your parents over a bad grade you received on your report card.
you were never one to try and purposefully get bad grades, so why would your parents act like you were?

you were basically being put on house arrest.

if parents wanted you to act like an adult, why don't they start by treating you like one ?

you plopped on your bed with a huff, your mattress squeaking from the shift in it's weight as you stared at the ceiling fan of your
room—trying to focus your gaze to one blade as it rapidly spun around.

your room was quiet—with your tv providing no entertainment besides static, your ceiling fan provided the only background noise.
you were bored, wishing that you didn't have to be confined and imprisoned to this level of boredom.

however, your boredom was short-lived when you heard the sound of knocks on your glass window, making you shoot up from your bed to run over to the shadowy figure leering at the frame.

you unlatched the lock before sliding the window open to reveal your curly haired boyfriend, standing on the side of your roof with a crooked smile.
"hey beautiful.."
he said with a smile, holding onto the window frame for support and a 7-Eleven bag in his other hand.

"finn! why do you always climb up the roof, you know there's a front door, right?"
you giggled, helping finn stabilize himself as he tried to enter your room before you gently pushed him back outside—leaving his face with a pouting lip.

"i'm grounded."
you stated simply, shrugging your shoulders as you gave him a sad look.

"yeah, i know. when you didn't answer my calls, i called your house phone and your mom sold you out, so here i am—defying your mother."
finn joked with a nonchalant look on his face, his lips parted as he stared at you with such intensity that he very well could've burned holes in your skin.
you wore nothing but a silk-like pajama nightgown, it's texture was reflective and satiny that certainly caught finn's lustful eyes.

"so, what'd you need besides reminding me of how much i miss you..?"
you spoke up with a blush through his gaze as he shook his head to break his intensive stare into your eyes.

he nodded, his curls bouncing as he revealed a bag that he was carrying in his arms that was filled with snacks and candies.

without a word, he pulled out one by one, each and every favorite candy you've ever mentioned to him, setting them on your windowsill for you to pick up and stare at in awe.

you watched his concentrated freckled face as he carefully placed some canned drinks on the windowsill as well, making sure he didn't make too much noise to alert your parents.

he pulled out several of your favorite candies, favorite chips, and favorite drinks, just knowing that you could use some cheering up tonight.

and to add onto his surprise, he took off his black Calpurnia hoodie that he was wearing, and handed it over to you as you held it to your chest contently.

he didn't even miss a single thing.

your jaw was dropped in awe as you watched your boyfriend smile proudly when you placed a gentle kiss to his chapped lips as a thank you before you gave him an embracing hug.

"wow, it's like my own personal window drive-thru, huh?"
you joke, smiling widely as you saw finn nod in agreement.
"yeah, i just wanted you to—.."

finn was about to tell you how he wanted you to feel better and to have one of his hoodies as a piece of him with you while you were grounded, but he was cut off by the sound of your mother's booming voice at your door.

"y/n ! i thought i told you— no calling friends !"
your mother called into your room through the door, agitated that it was locked from her to access entrance into your room.

your head shot to hear the consistent knocking on your door, and realization set in that you forgot that your boyfriend wasn't supposed to be here.

"you gotta go."
you giggled as you ushered finn quickly in a panicked voice, gently pushing him back out through the window.

"yeah, just enjoy the snacks and the hoodie, okay? i love you, baby."
finn's voice came out in a secretive whisper that dripped from lips.

"thank you, finnie.. love you too."
you quickly said, giving him an appreciative smile through the knocks on your door.

finn gave you a charming smirk while he quickly grabbed a hold on your hand, and placed a gentle kiss to your knuckles before reluctantly letting your hand slip from his grasp as you closed your window shut.

you placed your hand flat to the glass of the window, while finn placed his hand on the glass to mirror your own hand, as if he could touch you through the barrier.

with a saddened smile, finn quickly slid off the shillings of the roof, safely yet quietly dropping to the grass on the ground before running back to his own home before he got caught.

seeing finn on the other side of the glass making his way back to his own home made your heart sink, knowing that you had such a caring boyfriend but you couldn't spend time with him because of something so stupid like being grounded.

finn's shadow in the night got smaller and smaller until you could no longer see him because he disappeared into the blanket of darkness—already missing him.

you took finn's hoodie that he left, and slipped it over your head, sighing with a curling content smile as you could smell his cologne lingering on the soft fabric.

maybe you could actually survive these next couple weeks being grounded and stuck with your parents—as long as you had finn.

you reluctantly walked across your bedroom to unlock your door, revealing your very irritated mother.
"don't keep this door locked anymore—where'd you get all that?"
your mother begun to scold you before she looked over your shoulder at all the snacks and drinks you had by your windowsill.

"my magical drive-thru window.."

»»————-  ————-««

a/n : more FLUFF.. !

honestly, i wish i had me a man that would do this for me cause, bitch that's a keeper.

thank y'all for reading once again, & don't forget, i got a new stranger things imagines book out !

more finn wolfhard fluff chapters are on the way !

love y'all !!

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