✰• impressions •✰

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I m a g i n e : Introducing Finn to your family for the first time and they tease you about him..

[ short fluff/steam ! ]

Word Count : 1068

f e a t u r i n g : Oakes Fegley


his heart was speeding at rates he didn't even know could be humanly possible.

he clenched your hand with intense anxiousness, knowing that whenever he did, he relaxed at your touch.

he greeted his nervousness as an old friend.

"baby, relax. it's gonna go great."
you whispered as you squeezed finn's hand with a look of reassurance in your eyes before reaching to ring the doorbell in front of you.

finn quickly brushed his curly hair out of his face before straightening his shirt—in time to see your mother open the door with a welcoming smile.

"y/n, finn ! please, come in !"
your mother was quite energetic and excited to see you both, ever since you left for college.

you both exchanged hugs, including finn, before she led you both to the dining table where your family sat for thanksgiving dinner.

"oakes !"
you yelled with excitement at your 15 year old brother who immediately shot up from his chair at the table to run over and engulf you in a hug.

"dude, you got tall."
you teased, ruffling his sandy blonde hair before he sarcastically adjusted his hair back to how it originally was.

you then heard your older sister run down the stairs leading down into the dinner room, hearing her squeal to you, "jerk!"

"bitch !"
you replied in an equally excited tone before going to engulf your sister in a hug.

your relationship with your sister was spiteful and humorous, all light and fair fun in games.
she always teased you, and vice versa, but in reality, what siblings didn't ?

you took finn's hand in your own to take a seat at the large dinner table with the wide variety of foods to choose from, and settled in together.
finn sat close to you—your right leg looped with his left.

your family carried out their tradition before beginning to dig into the meal set out before everyone, and made light conversation.

"well, i have to say, it is just great to have you and finn home."
your father spoke up over the clinks of silverware against the glass plates.

you smiled softly, looking at finn who seemed nervous, but got a rush of confidence.

"so, mr.l/n, what is it you do for work?"
he asked with a genuine interest, looking down at his food before meeting your father's answer.

"well, i'm active duty, so i'm always busy doing lots of things. be more specific."
your father explained, with a light sense of joking at the end but it seemed that finn didn't pick up on that.

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