✰•blurred years pt.1•✰

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I m a g i n e : Finn was kidnapped 3 years ago, and forced into a dangerous gang. You spent all those years looking for him, because before he was taken, you two were in love.
  But what if he's changed more than you thought?
  Will there still be some of the old Finn inside him?

You and Finn are 18-19 years old.

Word Count : 1896


| 3  y e a r s  a g o.. |

"do you think she'll like this ring?"
finn asked quincy as he held up a thin, golden ring that was knotted to signify a promise ring.

quincy leaned against the jewelry counter as he watched finn stare at it intently, considering if he made the right choice about buying the ring.

"y/n's gonna love that."
quincy reassured finn as his face seemed nervous.

"i hope so. i just want her to know how much she means to me-.."
finn began to express his feelings before the jewelry store's piercing alarm sounded.

"what the hell is that?!"
finn exclaimed as he and quincy ducked down when they heard a loud gunshot in the air.

two hooded men revealed themselves in their black clothed figures, stepping quickly through the doors.

"everybody stay on the ground!"
one of the men said, his gun waving around like it was lightweight.

like he did this all the time.

"we're looking for a guy that goes by the name wolfhard. show your damn face, or we blow off the faces of everyone here."
one man shouted into the store, the alarm still blaring in their ears.

people in the store quivered with fear, hoping that whoever this man was talking would step up.

finn exhaled, not out of fear, but of knowing what was coming next.

and he's been trying to escape his past for so long in fear of this very moment happening.

but he knew that people were tracking him down all these years, and he tried his hardest to run subtly, but apparently being an unintentional famous actor didn't help his case.

finn and quincy pressed their chests to the ground, their eyes looking up as they saw one man walk closer and tower them.

out of reflex, finn slowly moved the ring he bought you, into his mouth, and under his tongue, knowing that they would search his body for anything.

"you. on your feet."

the man padded him down, searching for anything valuable or that could possibly be used for defense against them.

the man with the ski-mask on that was searching finn's person was examining finn's face and lower neck, looking for a certain feature that would identify him.

his birthmark on his neck that only you and a select few family members known about.

"it's him."
the hooded figure yelled to the other man before hurriedly grabbing finn roughly by the shoulders, placing a bag over his head, and shoved him quickly as they made a break for the door, running into the darkness.

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