✰•the assassin's mistake•✰

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I m a g i n e : You being an assassin & being tasked to kill the Wolfhards, but things don't play out like you thought.. { not fluffy btw }

[ song playing above in the movie :
reservoir dogs ]

Word Count : 3111

a/p/n :  if you want to , play the song above when i mention it in my writing, it makes the scene i wrote a lot better
[ ie. "stuck in the middle with you"—stealers wheel ]

{ this is a scrap of a writing prompt i made up so that's why this one isn't my favorite ;/

[ angsty ]


you slammed your impala door shut before walking up through the small driveway that led to the discreet house in which your money came from.

where your boss was housed.

you always hated this house, and the only reason you were here in person instead of over a phone call was because it was payday..

..and because gaten told you that your boss mentioned an extra bonus in cash.

you canceled a date with your boyfriend who you hadn't seen in a month, for this 'extra bonus' so it better be worth your time—that was your mindset as you approached the front door.

"where's the boss?"
you demanded into the house full of dangerous people as you walked through the front door of the base house, quickly looking over your shoulder before slamming it shut behind you.

gaten's gaze flicked to you as he sat at a table by the front door as a guard, sharpening his knife and reloading his guns with ease.

he was the boss' 'security guard', so to speak.

everyone in this house knew exactly who you demanded because the boss was the boss of everyone here.

"down the hall in his office. been expecting you so you better hurry your ass up."
he teased, gesturing down the hall where most of your friends and past partners socialized while they waited to get their money.

you could definitely tell that it was payday.

"hey, l/n."
you heard constant greetings and pats on your shoulders from your friends as you passed through the hall towards his office.
it was people you had been partnered up with in the past to do your job.

you always preferred the term, 'assassin' over 'hitman' but essentially, you were a hitman of sorts.

you were good at your job—being smart about killing people left and right with ease, skill, and without hesitation.

you never left a mess behind, and you were
always so quick.

you never got caught.

that's why you were the boss' favorite.

you reached your hand to knock on the door that led to his office before hearing a shout back of permission to enter.
you twisted the doorknob and took one step inside before hearing your boss already speaking to you.

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