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I m a g i n e : Your husband, Finn, coming home drunk, and making a fool of himself..

Word Count: 843


"honey, go to bed. it's late."
you told your 11 year old son, who was staying up late trying to study for his test the next day.

your son rubbed his eyes before looking at you standing in the doorway of his room, his black curls falling over his freckled face.

"i will when dad comes home."
he offered, his voice sounding tired.

you sighed, crossing your arms in an
authority-like way.

"i don't know how late that's gonna be-.."
you began to say before you heard the front door open and close with stumbling footsteps.

you hurried to the front door to see your husband, finn, using the wall to support himself.

he was drunk beyond belief.

however, you decided to cut finn some slack because he never get's to have any free time like that anymore.

this was one of the only nights he could drink at Malcolm's bachelor party.

"baby, what the hell? you don't usually get this drunk."
you said, hurrying to help finn but not before he leaned against a picture hanging on the wall, and accidentally knocking it down, glass shattering all over the floor.

"i'm so sorry about that ma'am.."
finn said, his words slurred together as he didn't quite know who or what he was apologizing for.

but before you could begin cleaning up the glass, he took one step forward, and suddenly vomited all his alcohol onto the floor before you.

you groaned, and rubbed your head at the thought of having to clean all this up.

"you definitely aren't as good at holding your alcohol like you used to be."
you said, chuckling as you remembered the days where you and finn would often go to parties and bars, and finn would leave without even feeling buzzed.

you helped finn over to your bedroom before walking back and cleaning everything up, from the shattered glass to the vomit.


|| FINN ||

i woke up to a dull, throbbing pain in my head, pulsating as i sat up in bed.

haven't had a migraine since i was younger and going to parties with y/n.

i instinctively reached for y/n, but i only felt sheets and empty space.
i turned my head towards her side of the bed, but she wasn't there.

how drunk was i?

god, i hope i didn't start a fight with y/n.

i expected her to be angry with me, but she wasn't here to begin with, and i began to worry.

i sluggishly get out of bed, only my boxers on before i rubbed my eyes, reaching for my phone to check for any messages from y/n.

my love ❤️: i already made you breakfast, and it's on the counter in the kitchen. i'm at the grocery store, and had to leave early to avoid traffic. i love you..

[ Sent 7:45 AM ]

i was not expecting her to be so happy with me.
more like getting my ass chewed, is what i was expecting.

but i hadn't taken a load-off in what seems like forever, so that party at Malcolm's house was a much needed unwinding and probably a one-time occasion.

i have to say, though. i'm surprised.

i walk over to the closet to slip on a pair of jeans, without putting on a shirt and went to go enjoy my breakfast that was laying nicely on the kitchen counter.

'god, i'm a lucky man.'
i thought to myself as i began eating eagerly.

"morning, bud."
i greeted my son as he walked into the kitchen, his eyes bloodshot from staying up practically all night and his curly black hair was a mess.

like father, like son.

he groaned in response before opening the fridge to retrieve the milk for his cereal, but i got up from the table to fetch it for him.

"hey little man, what happened last night?"
i asked, pouring in his cereal then his milk into a bowl.

i look up to see him smiling, and chuckled a little to himself.

i ask, now slightly worried that i made a bigger fool out of myself.

"well, when you got home, you broke a picture on accident then barfed all over the floor. then, when mom started helping you get ready for bed, she tried taking off your shirt and shoes, and then you said 'hey lady, leave me alone! i'm a happily married man !"
he explained, and just couldn't contain his laughter any longer.

"then mom was in a good mood for like, all morning."

i smiled to myself, knowing that that's how i got put to bed so easily and woke up to an amazing breakfast.

because y/n, my wife, took care of me. just like she always had.

»»————-  ————-««

a/n: more fluff ! !

find me a loyal man like Finn, like come on.

okay, that might've been a cheesy ending but i like it !

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