✰ •happy prehalloween motherf**kers•

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||Your POV||

Today was the Calpurnia Concert in Toronto.

And I got tickets, and I have no idea how but I got them.

We waited in line for about 4 hours before we actually got inside to the auditorium and there was the stage that Finn fucking Wolfhard would perform on.

I love their music, but I also love Finn, but then again, doesn't every girl?

My best friend and I made our way to the front of the crowd, because our tickets said we went in front, and then, we just waited another hour before the lights dimmed and he walked into stage.

With his curly hair and his perfect half opened smile.

The whole crowd cheered his name as he set up his mic on the stand.
He was ready to perform when he looked me straight in the eyes, never breaking eye contact as the Ayla began the song for Greyhound.

He kept looking at me as he performed his crazy head snaps and guitar solos.

My two friends and I had made him hearts out of paper saying what we liked about him, and once a slower more calm song of theirs began to play, he kneeled down to get closer to me,

My two friends and I had made him hearts out of paper saying what we liked about him, and once a slower more calm song of theirs began to play, he kneeled down to get closer to me,

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and picked up the paper heart from my hand and I actually didn't scream with excitement.

I was surprisingly calm, playing it cool

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I was surprisingly calm, playing it cool.

He lifted the paper heart in the air, and showed it off, giving me a large smile. He kissed the small piece of paper.

Every girl in the crowd screamed with excitement but I just stood there frozen with happiness as I watched him put it in his pocket

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Every girl in the crowd screamed with excitement but I just stood there frozen with happiness as I watched him put it in his pocket.

My smile never left my face as the concert ended.

— I began to walk out of the auditorium, but a bodyguard pulled me to the side from my friends.
My friends stopped walking, concerned for me as they watched the man leaned down to try to whisper something, but before he said anything, he told my friends he was a bodyguard, and that they need to leave.

Before I could get freaked out that a large man was pulling me to the side, he leaned over to whisper, "Mr Wolfhard pointed you out to me and wanted to bring you backstage. He said he wanted to get to know you."

And with that, my heart fluttered.

He opened the back doors to the break room where Finn fucking Wolfhard stood in his dressing room.

The bodyguard left us alone, for whatever reason, but I didn't mind one bit.

He looked at me like I was so beautiful..

"Hey, I uh. Saw this heart you gave me and all the stuff you wrote on it was so nice I just had to..had to keep it. And make you one."
He said, and gave me a signed copy of his "Scout" vinyl album, with a phone number on it written in black expo marker.

"Thanks..I'm y/n by the way."
I say, and Finn blushes.

"I'm Finn."

We both stood there blushing, and we blushed for 5 months.

Until he asked me to me his girlfriend after 5 months of going out..


Aww I liked this one.

This was based off of his most recent concert with Calpurnia and their performance.

He was so sweet, but hot at the same time.


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"Happy Pre-Halloween Motherfuckers"
-Finn Wolfhard 2018 at Calpurnia concert


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