✰•don't leave me pt.2•✰

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P A R T  2

I m a g i n e : You choose to go to college, and Finn gets upset to find out that you're leaving him, making you face a difficult decision..

Word Count : 2231

[ C O N T I N U E D ] : ↴


you made your choice.

but it pissed you off that finn would have the audacity to make you choose.

"you're really gonna make me choose?"
you asked, disbelievingly while you shook your head.

finn clenched his jaw, still staring at you in the eyes with hope.

you scoffed, looking down at the picnic blanket.

you say, standing up from the picnic blanket, finn watching you with his eyes as he stands up to face you.

"then i'm choosing my college."
you state, brushing off your thighs as your eyes meet finn's again, who eyes were watering as he shook his head disbelievingly.

finn exhaled, licking his lips as he nodded hurtfully, staring at his feet as his curls bounced.

you clenched your jaw, feeling your own eyes well up with water.

finn's hands found his pockets, ducking his head as he began to walk away from you.

you watched him begin to stride away, his posture seemed saddening.

but he froze in his steps to look back at you, his eyes glistening with his tears.

"when are you supposed to leave..?"
he asked, his jaw clenched as he stared at the grass below him to shield his pain.

you mumbled, knowing that the college was strict and demanding, needing their accepted applicants to arrive as soon as possible.

finn nods, gulping as he licked his lips.

"okay. i'll meet you at the airport."
finn answered, his voice cracking at the end before he continued to walk away from you, leaving you alone by the lake as the sunset was pretty much over.

you were flustered.

why would he do that?

did you really want to leave him?

was college really worth that?

"mom, i'm home."
you called out sadly into the house, throwing your purse on the hook by the door.

"y/n, it's midnight, where the hell were you?"
you heard your mom's footsteps getting closer from the living room, and you walked to the kitchen bar to sit down, burying your head in your hands.

"oh god. what happened?"
your mom asked with empathy, feeling her hand on your back.

you sat up, looking to the side to see your mom walking around the kitchen bar to begin make you something to eat.

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