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I m a g i n e : Your boyfriend Finn, getting protective over you because your ex-boyfriend is trying to get back together with you..

Word Count: 1014


"yeah, just put the drum set right there. yeah, looks perfect."
Finn directed the stage manager. he was performing at a concert for Calpurnia, and at a rather large venue, no less.

lot's of people would show up for the concert tonight, and you would be there to support Finn.

you helped Finn set up the stage for the concert, ignoring the wandering delivery man looking for someone.

"uhm, delivery for-.."
the delivery man began to announce as he stepped onto stage, but Finn cut him off, setting his guitar down and trotted up to the man.

"Finn Wolfhard, that's me."
Finn said, assuming that the package was for him, about to snatch the package from the man's arms, only to see that it's not what Finn ordered.

he had ordered a new guitar pick-set, and new speakers for the concert tonight, but the package that the man announced was instead a bouquet of flowers.

and Finn wasn't the one who ordered them.

"actually, the receiver's name says
'Y/N L/N'..?"
the delivery man announced, and you turned to see the man holding a bouquet of flowers with a note on it.

Finn's face contorted, obviously confused on who would send you flowers because he's your boyfriend, and he wasn't the one that bought these for you.

you walked over to the delivery man, examining the flowers before Finn took them into his hands, thanking the man for the delivery.

"did you order these?"
you asked your boyfriend, but Finn shook his head.

"no, I thought you did."
finn admitted, and felt slightly bad that he wasn't the one that ordered the flowers for you.

"well, good because they're dying anyway."
you joked, handing the flowers to a staff member who reported to you upon being called.

you didn't bother reading the card, knowing that whoever sent them, didn't know that you hated those kinds of flowers, which meant that they didn't know you that well at all.

"i'm gonna go get changed for the concert. be back in a little bit."
you said to Finn, pecking him on the cheek before walking past him to a dressing room with racks of clothes for you to choose from.

Finn watched as you sashayed away, your hair flowing freely behind you in beautiful locks.
he smiled to himself.

he was damn lucky to be able to call you his.

out of curiosity, finn asked the staff member where they put the flowers, and followed her direction to find the flowers now placed in a vase of water.

Finn took off the card, unfolding it to read who had sent the flowers to you.

'Dear Y/N,

to the girl that is as hot as the sun ;) here is a token of my undying love for you. i miss you. i hope i see you after the concert <3

love, Jake.'

Finn's breath hitched with anger as he saw the love note was signed by Jake, your ex-boyfriend who you hated.

Jake had cheated on you with his now ex-fiancé , and you loathed him for lying to you for so long about her.

but that was 3 years ago, and you're now in a happy relationship with Finn, carefree and living your best life.

Jake knew that you were Finn's girlfriend, and his only.

finn seethed with anger, clenching the note in his fist as it crumpled into a ball.

Finn threw the note away, and waltzed to the ticket manager to get some information about Jake, since he now knew that he was going to be at the concert.

and Finn knew how to make sure Jake got the hint that you were Finn's.


after changing and getting ready for the concert, you walked back onto stage, feeling pumped and ready for the night ahead.

you could already hear the loud conversing from the crowd in the venue, getting ready to see Calpurnia.

the concert would start in a few minutes, so you had to go find Finn.

you walked towards the backstage area, finding Finn removing the flowers from the vase and bundling them in his hand.

"where are you taking those?"
you asked, confused as to why he was now getting rid of the flowers.

"i'm gonna take them onto stage with me and throw them at fans."
Finn explained, nonchalantly as he continued to pick the flowers with a devious face.

"aww, that's sweet. but, knowing how you are during concerts, why are you really taking the flowers onto stage?"
you questioned, a smirk growing on your face as you narrowed your eyes at Finn.

he wouldn't usually through things into the audience, and you knew him well enough to say that.

Finn clenched his jaw as he turned to look at you, his eyes shut.

"because. turns out, the flowers are from your ex, Jake. so, I asked the ticket manager what seat number he had and everything, so i can watch his face as I get rid of the flowers. this time, maybe he'll get the hint."
finn said with a grin, his fists clenching around the flowers' stems.

"you're so childish sometimes."
you joked, giggling as he rolled his eyes playfully before setting the flowers down and pulling you closer to him by your hips.

"no, I'm trying to be your protective boyfriend, y/n. girls love that shit."
Finn joked, pulling your lips to his as he kissed you gently.

you felt lucky to have found a guy who made you as happy as Finn did.

and during the concert, Jake left that night with flower petals in his hair, and a broken ego.

»»————-  ————-««

a/n: just wanted to add some fluff :)


..all for 4K reads !
you all are insane, & I'm so grateful that you enjoy my content.

keep on being amazing, guys. i really appreciate it..

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