✰•bad guy•✰

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I m a g i n e: Being in love with Finn, who's a dangerous bad boy. Things get complicated when you go to extreme lengths to hide your relationship with him..

Word Count: 1535

A/N: weird plot line, but i rolled with it..

+9 more imagines already written, and in the process of being published ;)

>read till the end for proof<


Your voice escaped your mouth, sounding like a moan as you felt Finn's hands roam your waist.
His lips danced on yours as you two kissed hungrily, desperately, in the dark of the Janitor's closet by the school hallway.

"The-bell rung.-I gotta go."
You said, in between the kisses that Finn kept planting on your lips.

"Just a couple more minutes.."
Finn said with a smirk against your mouth, obviously enjoying this time with you as his hands slipped under your shirt.

You two hardly had private time together like this.

"Finn..we're gonna be late."
You smirked as you pulled away from Finn's now swollen lips.
He sighed with disappointment, but licked his lips as he nodded.

Finn straightened his black shirt and ripped jean jacket, and ran a hand through his curly hair.
You pulled your shirt down, and fixed your hair, starting to put it in a pony tail before Finn stopped you.

"Damn, i got you good, baby."
Finn smirked as he pointed to a few large hickies placed by Finn on your neck, very visible if you put your hair up.
You scoffed, rolling your eyes playfully as you let your hair fall down your shoulders.

"Besides..you look hot with your hair down."
Finn commented, biting his lip as he stared into your eyes hungrily, yet with admiration.

He was always flirting with you, always making you blush even though you two are a couple.

"Alright, babe, I'll see you after class."
You tell him, tapping his chest before you walked out of the closet stealthily, leaving Finn to air-fist pump.
There was no doubt that he liked you.
More than he'd ever liked any other girl before.

You two had been a couple for 5 months, and have been keeping it secret because Finn's apart of a gang, and if they find out, then that's just another problem for Finn.

Although Finn was a tough guy who was technically in a gang, he never brought you into that kind of stuff.

He was tough with people when he needed to be, but he was always so gentle and sweet with you, like you were his one soft spot.

"Oh my god, Y/N! Where were you?"
Your friend, Alaine, asked you as you turned the corner of the hallway.

"Oh, um. In the bathroom."
You say nervously, and to make matters worse, Finn walks up to join you.
"Hey Y/N. Hi, Alaine."
Finn said with a cocky smirk on his face, taking everything in his body to force himself to not hold your hand.

You guys didn't want anyone to know about your relationship.

"Is something..wrong?"
Alaine asked, noticing the way you tensed up when you saw Finn.

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