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I m a g i n e : You and Finn live together in a gang—they're not particularly aggressive but can be when needed.
Finn was always the 'baby' of the gang, so when the gang kills someone, he doesn't take it well, and runs off, leaving you to run after him because you love him..

Word Count : 3062

[ long imagine for y'all  :) ]


"y/n, you stay in the car and wait for us. finn, you're gonna come with us this time."

noah schnapp was a rough guy, always ordering others around because he knew that his gang needed authority and order.
you were the youngest of the gang, and the only girl nonetheless.
you were like everybody's little sister, only, you didn't want to be a sister to one of the guys.

you and finn wolfhard were the only two people who preferred peace over the violence, but nobody listened to you two, of course.

you two grew up together, only having each other to lean on as best friends.

you were noah schnapp's little sister, meaning you didn't have anywhere else to go but with him, and the gang.
noah's 'gang' was more like his family—they all took care of each other.

but sometimes, business got out of hand, and certain measures needed to be taken.

you were not usually told to stay in the car for danger of the rival gangs finding you alone.

so when noah pulled into the parking lot of a mall and parked the car before turning around in his seat to tell you to stay, you were confused.

"just do what i tell you, okay? quincy, jaeden, chosen, noah, and finn—let's go."
and those were the only words needed from noah for the guys to listen.
finn never went with them on business trips like this, because he never knew how they were going to end, and he didn't feel comfortable doing them.
so this was his first time, and you could see how nervous he looked in the seat next to you, his hands jittery as he fumbled to unbuckle his seatbelt.
he gave you a pleading look, with his wide brown eyes that you've grown used to falling into.
the same eyes you've grown used to looking at, and just completely melting at their mercy.

you knew finn had anxiety, and his panic attacks were not regular, but he had them on several occasions.
"you'll be fine. i'm sure it's just the normal business trip."
your voice soothed finn's nerves in the littlest, feeling calmer once he felt your comforting hand on his shoulder.

his black curls on his head bobbed as he nodded, giving you a thin smile before exiting the car, following his gang members urgently under the shield of the gloomy, rainy, sky.

you could only watch as the guys walked further away from the window as you were now sitting alone in the large suv that you've grown accustomed to traveling in.

it was a somber day, with the daylight not bright enough to pierce through the gray clouds above, threatening rainfall.
but the mood soon changed when you heard a loud shot, and saw all 6 guys run towards the car at lightening speed, practically ramming into it before actually opening the doors to get inside.
finn slid in hurriedly next to you, his breath heavy from running so fast.

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