✰•you did this pt.3•✰

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F I N A L   P A R T 3

I m a g i n e: You used to be in a toxic relationship with Finn, and he hurt you on some occasions, but nonetheless, you couldn't seem to stop loving him.
After years of being broken up with Finn and living your own life, you bump into him again.
Only this time, he's lost his memory of you.

You and Finn are 18-19 years old.

Warning: mentions of domestic violence & abuse

Word Count: 1874

[ C O N T I N U E D ] : ↴


He remembered.

"Holy shit.."
Finn breathed out, his eyes widening larger as he saw his old love striding away from him, the sand flicking in the air as you walked towards your Impala.

Finn jumped to his feet, practically sprinting through the sand towards you, his old memories flooding his mind.

He remembered first meeting you.

He remembered your first date with him.

He remembered how much he cared about you.

He remembered hurting you.

Physically and emotionally.

He broke you, and he'll never be able to fully forgive himself for that.

But most importantly, he remembered his love for you.

"Y/N, Y/N..please wait."
Finn said, his breath almost gone as he caught up to you and cut you off from walking to your car.

You looked up at Finn, his eyes now swirling with familiarity as he remembered who you are.
And that scared you.

"I-i remember. I remember everything.."
Finn said, his words carrying a weight that weighed heavy on him.


"Great. That's great."
You said, your voice slightly sarcastic as you wished you weren't here with him right now, trying to walk around Finn  but he kept blocking your path.

You knew you would regret this.

Your past was catching up with you, now. Literally.

Finn began to say, his voice having a bit of a pleading tone to it.

You tensed, your body becoming weak to his pleads of mercy, which were hard to ignore.

You always found it hard to ignore him.

But, you knew what was best for you. For both of you, so you forcefully brushed past Finn, and walked to your impala, successfully strapping yourself in and pulled out of the parking lot, driving away.

You left Finn to quietly weep to himself on the beach, each of his tears wetted the sand at his feet, and as he watch the sun go down, he was reminded of how bad he screwed things up.

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