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Imagine: Finn always makes fun of you and you think he doesn't like you, and you don't know why. But you finally find out..

Word Count: 1315 words


"Yeah, so after school, Malcolm and I were thinking of heading over to the studios to record our first single. You wanna tag along?"
Ayla, your best friend since 8th grade, told you as you slammed your high school locker shut before starting to walk to your next class with her.

"Yeah, sure. I don't even have homework due till next week, so yeah I'll go."
You said, now looking forward to seeing Ayla and Jack record.

"Oh-and also Finn's gonna come too. We decided to make him our lead singer, and now we just need a side guitarist and vocalist and we were thinking you could join-.."
Ayla started to ramble on, but you only focused on one string of words.

That Finn Wolfhard would be there.

God, you didn't like him. He would always tease you and make jokes about you, and you didn't know why.

You two had been best friends in your childhood, but about 3 years ago, he began to distance himself from you, becoming more bitter as you guys got older.

"Yeah, uh..I'm actually not sure I can make it today-.."
You tried to say, but Ayla cut you off with a scoff.

"Y/N, why do you always somehow flake out when we make plans with Finn? He's our best friend-.."
Ayla tried to convince you, but this time you cut her off.

"Uhm correction, he's your best friend now. He used to be my best friend before he turned into a major ass."
You stated with slight resentment in your voice as you turned the corner of the hallway.

You couldn't deny that you missed Finn being your best friend, but he was the one that ruined it all.

"Dude, come on. You're going to come to the studio, and you know it. It's time for you to get over this little childish grudge of yours, and start focusing on the band."
Ayla said, pulling you aside into the girls bathroom so you two could talk.

"Focus on the band? I'm not even in the band."
You said, shifting your binders in your arm.

"I was going to say that me and Malcolm want you to be our side-guitarist and vocalist. Dude, come on. Do this for us. For you. Man up, and start following your dream."
Ayla said, putting a comforting hand on your shoulder as she provided very convincing words of wisdom.

You thought for a moment, and you had to admit. Ayla was right.

You were being selfish and a bit childish.

"Okay, okay. You're right. I'm in."
You said with a small smile, and Ayla smiled widely.

"Alright, dude! We're gonna rock! See you after school for our first recording session."
Ayla said excitedly, and fist pumped you before leaving you alone in the bathroom with your thoughts.

Time to finally face Finn.


"Ay, Y/N you made it!"
Ayla exclaimed as she opened her studio door to you to let you in.

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