✰•don't leave me pt.3•✰

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F I N A L  P A R T  3

I m a g i n e : You choose to go to college, and Finn gets upset to find out that you're leaving him, making you face a difficult decision..

Word Count : 1840

[ C O N T I N U E D ] : ↴


his back was facing you, and all you managed to do was stutter, "f-finn?"

finn instantly turned around to face you, his eyes lighting up at the sight of you.

he walked over to pull you into a hug, his face turning back to a pained one once he saw yours.

your grandmother gave you a look, letting you know that she was giving you two some space.

"i'm so sorry for not making it to the airport in time. i just had to see you, and your mom paid for a first class flight here that left about 30 minutes after your flight left."
finn explained with soft eyes, your mouth widening at the fact that he flew last minute all the way here just for you.

you blushed, but then remembered the note you two left off on.

your face dropped, and finn must've noticed because he sighed stressfully.

"look, y/n. i know I screwed up big time, but i never meant to hurt you. i shouldn't have put any of that pressure on you, i just..i just couldn't bare the thought of being without you."
finn said, his hands sliding down your arms to interlink your hands with his.

"i'm so sorry for hurting you like that."
finn looked at you with apologetic eyes, needing to know that you accepted his apology.

you realized that he only what he did because he was scared.

of loosing you, and you were sad about loosing him.

"i..i forgive you."
you said, a pained smile grew on finn's lips before he slid his hand down your waist, and reached his hand down to your back pocket of your pants to grab your phone.

"hey, what are you-.."
you began to exclaim before you saw that finn had clicked your mother's contact name, and was calling her.

he handed the phone to you with a small smirk, practically shoving the device into your hands.

"finn! no, i-i can't-.."
you began to protest before you heard the crackle of an answer on the other end of the call.


"oh. um, hey mom."
you answered, looked at finn with an unsure face, but he just gave you his signature smile, and you calmed down.

"what is it? do you need something?"

"n-no, i just.."
you sighed, your anxiety taking over before feeling Finn's hand give your hand a reassuring grip.

"i wanted to apologize."
you exhaled, hearing your mother shuffle on the other end.

"mom, i'm so sorry for everything that i said, i-i didn't mean that stuff, i was just angry and i-.."
you began to ramble before your mother cut you off.

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