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I m a g i n e : You and Finn became best friends when you two were just 9 years old.
Having moved away from each other for 4 years, no communication between you two, you both now have a long awaited reunion, where old nostalgic feelings resurface..

Word Count: 2545


you and finn always were inseparable.

always hanging out with each other at every family bbq that his parents would attend.

always  laughing with each other like there was no tomorrow.

always going on mini adventures to different parks at night together, even though you two were only 11.

always being so personal and hugging each other often, because as kids, you just saw each other as best friends, not worrying about whether he was a boy or if you were a girl.

it was such a fun childhood with him, and because of finn's dad and your dad being best friends, you and finn would see each other often—thus beginning your undeniable bond.

of course, being around such an amazing guy, and amazing best friend, as you two matured, so did your feelings.

it was only inevitable that you would fall for finn.
he was sweet, funny, charming, and just had an overall attractive personality.

who doesn't eventually fall for their best friend in some way?

but, when you two turned 11 years old, your dad had to move to Texas, and finn had to move to Toronto.
you were separated, and since neither of you owned phones at the age of 11, you had no way of connecting with each other, so you both grew up disconnected from the other's life.

the occasional thought of finn glazed your mind from time to time, wondering what he was doing with his life at that moment, but then letting the thought drift away—thinking that surely he wasn't thinking of you the same way.

but you had never been farther from the truth.

so, when you heard the news that your family would be moving to Toronto where finn lived, you didn't know how to feel.
on one hand, you were ecstatic to reunite with your best friend after 4 years.
but on the other, you were so nervous to see how each of you matured.

but, after your family moved and settled in Toronto, it was only a matter of time before your father and Finn's father decided to have a BBQ together to catch up with one another.

and that meant that you and Finn would see each other for the first time in years.

"mom, how do i look?"
you asked you mom, presenting yourself in front of her so she could see your entire outfit.

your hair was done up in a top bun, and you wore some of your favorite band merch, along with some ripped jeans.

you decided to add a little extra, and put on some winged eyeliner to make your already beautiful eyes pop.

"you look great. i'm sure finn's worrying about he's gonna dress, too.."
your mom said, winking at you as she teased you.
you playfully rolled your eyes while nudging her shoulder, and followed your family outside to the truck, and drove to Finn's house.

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