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I m a g i n e:  Watching Finn during a photoshoot, and causing mischief on set, only to have you thrown out of the studio, making Finn furious at the camera directors..

>weird story line but I rolled with it..<


"Alright, are you ready?"
Your boyfriend, Finn, asked you in a hurry, for he had to make it to a photo shoot.

"Yeah, I'm ready."
You answered, watching as he slipped on a hat and offered his hand to you, which you gladly accepted, and made your way out the hotel door, meeting your bodyguards outside in the hallway.

You weren't the one in the photo shoot, it was just Finn.
But, you were tagging along anyways to support him, and because he insisted on you joining him.

When you arrived at the photo shoot studio, you didn't know what you expected, but you certainly didn't expect a husky dog to be there.

This was a rather exotic photo shoot for Finn, something he hadn't done before and wasn't 100% comfortable with doing.

That's why he wanted you with him.
He needed your comfort and reassurance.

"Okay, Mr. Wolfhard could you come this way with me for a moment please? Thank you."
The camera assistant practically ripped Finn from your grasp, his hand being yanked from yours.

He gave you a 'sorry' look, and you smiled thinly to tell him that you were okay with waiting behind the camera to watch him.

The assistants placed Finn in front of a black background, fluffing his hair with their hands and smoothing his already perfect clothes.

They even added a bit of powder makeup to his face, as if anything on his face wasn't perfect already.

Then, someone brought in the beautifully groomed husky, and decided to delicately place the dog on Finn's shoulders to make him look powerful.

And son of a bitch, it made Finn seem like a god.

The way he stood with the dog on his shoulders, the way he sent smoldering glares at the camera to enhance his handsomeness was a major turn-on for you.

You saw the way Finn stood with confidence in front of you, and you occasionally caught him stealing glances at you rather than the camera.

He winked at you, and you would try to make him laugh, but when you did make him laugh, a camera man shot you a threatening glare to make you stop.

But that didn't stop you for long. You continued to make funny faces with your boyfriend to make him lose seriousness, and it was fun.
For a short while.

"Ms. Y/N? Yes, could you follow me? We can't have you continuously distracting our model. So please, shoo away."
The fancy camera lady told you with annoyance in her voice as she escorted you away from Finn and outside of the studio in the cold, barely being shielded from the rain by the roof.

You felt belittled, and embarrassed as you stood there shivering your ass off.

The only reason you didn't give the camera manager attitude, was because you didn't want Finn to lose this modeling job because of you.

You felt like such an embarrassment.
Who knows how Finn feels about this.

Perhaps he's embarrassed of you too.

But your thoughts were quickly interrupted by a yell, and a slam of the studio door, revealing Finn as he stomped outside to stand beside you.

"W-what happened?"
You asked, instantly concerned for your flustered boyfriend who's face was reddened with anger.

"Those damn modeling directors don't have the right to talk to you like that! Y/N, I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I'm never signing with those douchebags again."
He practically yelled, obviously furious at his managers.

"Finnie, it's okay-.."
You were about to say but he cut you off.

"No. No it's not, and I'm sorry. I love you, and I just don't want people walking all over you. It pisses me off."

You giggled at your boyfriend's sentiment, appreciating that he loved you enough to cancel a once in a lifetime contract.

"I love you too. By the way, I thought you looked pretty hot during your photo shoot today.."
You said with a smirk playing on your lips as Finn held your hand to walk to the limo awaiting you two.

You felt his hand tense, and you saw his cheeks redden.

"We should get a husky."


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