♚ •what you do to me• ♚

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I m a g i n e : While your boyfriend, Finn, is on tour with Calpurnia, he misses you, so you both exchange 'photos' and when the sexting can't seem to end, you take things into your own hands, and he takes matters into his own hands.. -literally-

R e q u e s t e d B y :   @1-800-FADIE

! W a r n i n g ! : some detailed
self-pleasure ahead..
   ↳ so if you don't like this type of stuff/topic, then feel free to tap out ;)

! !

Word Count: 1465

︾ ♔ ︾

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❝ 𝐢 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮..𝐢 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮..𝐢 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮.. ❞

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finn climbed into his bunk aboard the tour bus, laying down with a huff as his body was sore from all the jumps and head knocks he did during the concert just an hour before.

he was the last one to bed, as per usual, the rest of the band mates of Calpurnia already laying seemingly sound asleep in their own bunks, their curtains closed.

it was 1:34 in the morning as of right now in this last tour location of the Calpurnia rounds, but finn needed to talk to you like he always did after every concert every night, but tonight's was different.

he missed you. much more.

he needed you.

finn: just got in bed..i miss you.. 😣

you: i miss you too..🥵

finn: why r you awake rn? it's 1 in the morning lmao

you: i might've waited for you to text me.. like i said, i miss you..😤🥵

finn: i miss you too, baby.. 🔥

you: when are you supposed to be coming back home to me..? 😩

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