✰ •Military•✰

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Backstory: You and Finn are in a relationship, and he joined the Marine Corps before you guys got together 5 years ago, and married 2 years ago. He's on deployment for a year in Iraq, and had been gone for 9 months. Oh, and before he left, you two were trying for a baby, and you confirmed that you were pregnant...

So you two write letters instead of texting to kindle to overseas, young romance that you two share..

//Y/N POV//

"My love Finn,

       Babe, you haven't answered my last three letters, and it's worrying me.
       Words cannot express the immense amounts of yearning I endure for you. I miss you so much. Iraq is fucking scary. It may just be the raging pregnancy hormones surging through my 9 month old pregnant body, but you're a damn brave man, who I'm proud to call my husband of 2 years.
       Our daughter can't wait to meet you. She's due any day now..please tell me you'll be able to make it back home in time for Y/D/N's birth..? Maybe?
        Babe, I love you so much, please take care of yourself okay? Come home to us soon..
            Love your wife and baby-incubator,

You fold the paper into a little square, and encase it the small paper into the envelope to mail immediately to Finn's camp in Iraq.

He's been gone for so long, each day getting too close to y/d/n due date. He promised he'd be here for her, but you're not so sure he can make it back in time for your daughter's birth.

Babies aren't meant to compromise with you and your needs, so why would they start now?

You slowly walked over to the couch, and plopped down onto its plump cushion, huffing as you stroked your rather large stomach.

You could feel your baby kicking and squirming inside violently, making you wince sharply.

"Baby girl, I need you to calm down, okay? Daddy might not make it back soon enough."
You slowly talk to your child, as you felt her strokes soften across the inside of your stomach.

You sighed with relief at your baby's compliance, and softly laughed to yourself.
She's definitely strong-willed like her dad.

You heard the doorbell ring, and a shot of excitement and Adrenalin shot through your body in hopes that it would be your husband.

You inhale deeply as you struggled to prop yourself up off the couch, feeling a sharp pain in your lower abdomen.

You finally stand up with a slow exhale of relief, but your relief was short lived.

A burst of liquid exited your heavy body, and splat on the floor with a whoosh, and your mouth was left agape.

"Oh shit!"
You shouted, instinctively clutching your stomach as if it was going to hold your daughter inside.

The door burst open, and instead of it being Finn at the door, it was your mother instead.

"Honey! Are you okay-.."
Your mom yelled into the house, and upon seeing up doubling over in pain, she sprinted for you.

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