✰•criminal love pt.4•✰

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F I N A L  P A R T 4

I m a g i n e: You and your boyfriend Finn are badass criminals. You steal things, kill people, and everything in-between.
So, how will you two react to your surprise pregnancy?

Word Count: 1067

[ C O N T I N U E D ] : ↴


But Finn promised.
He promised you that he would stop.

And he continued to do it anyway.

You huffed as you threw your phone on the bed, frustrated out your damn mind that everything was going wrong.

If Finn can't stop, how would you be able to stop?

You just needed stability for once in your fucking life.
You needed to be able to put trust into Finn, and if he couldn't do the one important thing, than how were you going to raise a fucking child with him?

Your thoughts were interrupted as you get the distant sound of the warehouse doors opening and closing.
With a clouded head, you marched your way to the living room to meet Finn by the warehouse doors.

You noticed his empty hands, no grocery bags, or any bags to signify that he went to the store to buy something normally.

"Oh, hey babe. Sorry I took so long. The traffic was a bitch-.."
Finn began to say nonchalantly, but you cut him off.

"Where were you really, Finn?"
You asked, your voice was scarily calm.
You just couldn't deal with this right now.

Finn gave you a confused look, trying to act as though he really didn't know what you were talking about.

"Cause you and I both know damn well you weren't at the store."
You continued, your voice more shaky than angry. You were hurting.

Finn's face changed from confused to apologetic.
"Okay, Y/N I know what you're thinking, but that's not the reason why I did it."
Finn tried to explain, but your face wasn't the look of understanding.

"Finn. You said you would stop."
You said, your hand be rubbing your forehead stressfully.

Finn sighed, throwing his keys on the couch as he took a couple steps closer to you, but you took a few steps back.
Finn's eyes had a mixture of hurt and secrecy embedded inside.

"I know, and that was the last time, I promise-.."

So he did rob that bank.

You fucking knew it.

"We both promised! Finn, we can't keep doing this if we want our kid to even have a chance."
You explained, cutting Finn off with your pained words.
Perhaps it was the pregnancy hormones, but you felt tears once again prick slightly at your eyes.

"Our kid will have a chance. I'll make sure of that."
Finn seemed like he was getting irritated by all your questions, but you needed to try and understand why he did this.
And why you should continue to trust him.

"Then why'd you rob that damn bank, Finn?"
You asked, your heart in the right place but your mind clouded with anger and confusion, definitely not the right mixture to proceed with an argument.

"Because I needed the money."
Finn tried shrugging it off, his breathing pace quickened.

"For what? Please tell me what was so important, that you broke your promise, and risked getting caught and sent to prison, potentially leaving me with a kid to raise without ever seeing it's father-.."

"Don't you fucking starting comparing me to that douchebag of my dad."
Finn cut you off, his words were calm, but his anger was there.

He tried calming himself, because if he continued with that same anger, he would represent the man he tried so hard not to become.

You sighed, rubbing your eyes, knowing that you went too far.
You knew how sensitive Finn was about his dad.

"Finn, I didn't-I'm sorry I didn't mean to-.."
You tried to apologize to your boyfriend, but he cut you off once more.

"No, no. This time, this one's on me. I should've told you why I did it, but I didn't want to scare you away."
Finn said, his heart now palpitating through his chest.

Now you were confused, and less angry.

"Last night, I was up for hours just thinking about us and our future. I robbed the bank because..well we needed the money for baby necessities and.."
Finn began to say, and his eyes looked soft and warming to you.

"I-I stole the other half of the money for this. I didn't know if I wanted to wait or not, but I know how I feel about you, and how I feel about this kid, and I know we're ready."
Finn explained, pulling out a velvet box from his jean pockets.

You're jaw dropped open, your mind fluttering with thoughts as he traditionally got down on one knee.

"I know..I know that I'm not the perfect guy. And I'm a fucking sorry excuse for a boyfriend, but I know how I feel about you..and..you mean a lot to me. I'm not going anywhere , and I'm staying with you and our kid for the rest of my life. You're what keeps me steady in our fucked up life y/n. I can't imagine living without you. So, y/n l/n, would you..marry me?"
Finn proposed, opening the velvet box to reveal the simple yet elegant ring he had gotten you.

"F-finn I-.."

Finn risked getting caught..for you.

He stole just one more time for you, and your baby.
His heart was in the right place.

Finn eyes were wide with hope and anxiety for your answer.
And you knew the answer immediately.
"Yes..fuck yes."
You answered, your tears now flowing freely.

Finn's face lit up like a Christmas tree, and you could tell that you two were meant for each other.
Finn slipped the ring on your finger delicately, before you pulled him up from his knees to kiss him passionately on the lips.
You two grew lost in each other, both still in a trance of what just happened.

He wasn't your boyfriend of 5 years anymore.
He was now your fiancé..

"I love you.."
Finn mumbled against your lips, his hands sliding down to your lower waist.

You and Finn both knew that you didn't say 'I love you' all the time, but hearing him say that, made your heart flutter.

Like you were teenagers again.

"I love you two."

The End


A/n that was such a long imagine series.

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