✰•dirty dancing•✰

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I m a g i n e : You and Finn secretly dating, and almost got caught kissing while dancing together..

[ steam & fluff  ! ]

Word Count : 1501


"and 1 and 2, and 3 and 4."
you called out over the music as you held your poise with your hands on finn's shoulders and your elbows pointed outward.

finn's hands rested lightly and properly on your waist, but it was hard to keep them from sliding anywhere else.

finn had taught you how to dance in the first place, and here you were : teaching him.

you were a natural, and finn took great pride in the way he successfully taught you.
but the relationship between you two teenagers became increasingly different.

now, he had a difficult time keeping his arms from completely engulfing you.

as you called out the numbers, finn found it increasingly difficult to focus on the routine as he watched the way you moved so effortlessly and attractively.

finn couldn't take it anymore, and slid his hands down to your hips to pull you closer and against him—all while eyeing your lips hungrily while your body pressed up against his in all the right places.

"nope, eyes up here."
you called out teasingly over the music as you wiggled out of his close grasp until you were arms width apart again—earning a disappointed look from finn.

you tried to continue the dance correctly, but finn just couldn't focus, and kept trying to pull you closer to him by your hips and waist.

so you decided to give in a little bit.

you stood so that both your legs were on either side of finn's thigh, and threw your head back as you slid your hips slowly down—feeling finn's hand rest flat on your lower back to steady you.

his head followed yours as your neck was exposed to him while you hung your head back, slowly inching your leg higher before you slowly lifted your head up again.


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when your face met his, all you saw was his hungry eyes that radiated a pure love and constant lust for you, and that was just how he was.
your relationship was a secret to others that used the dance studio, and pretty much everyone else—including your parents.

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