✰•criminal love pt.1•✰

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P A R T  1

I m a g i n e: You and your boyfriend Finn are badass criminals. You steal things, kill people, and everything in-between.
  So, how will you two react to your surprise pregnancy?

A/N: another multi- part imagine ;)

It's gonna be a long imagine SwEetHearT.

Word Count: 1490


"I said..I don't give a damn. Give me the fucking money, and you might live."
Finn shouted at the bank accountant whilst waving the loaded gun in the terrified man's face.
With shaky hands, the accountant fumbled though the closest register to him, pulling out signed checks and stacks of money.

You held open a bag for the accountant to load the money in, while Finn watched him just to be sure he didn't make a move.

When the money was finished being stashed in the bag, you tied it up, and slung it over your shoulder, ready to dash out of the bank.

"Please! That's all I can get, I swear!"
The accountant pleaded to Finn under his ski-mask, begging for Finn to spare his life.

Finn hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether or not he should allow the man to live and possibly call the police, or if he should just kill him right then and there.

Suddenly, the bank's alarm began ringing throughout the entire complex, shrieking to alert the state police department.

"Finn, we gotta get out of here, the fuzz is on it's way!"
You notified Finn, who decided to let the accountant live, shoving the gun into his pocket.
Finn intertwined his hand with yours, holding it as he ran to the exit doors of the bank.

You jumped into the Mustang you had parked in an alley way, and you took the driver's side.
You started the car, barely giving Finn enough time to close his passenger door before you shifted the gear to drive and slammed on the gas pedal to emerge from the alley, and reveal your car in the streets.

You swerved into the less busy of the traffic lanes, already hearing the police car sirens behind you.

"Babe, they're right behind us."
Finn alerted you, peering through the back window of your Mustang.

"Not for long."
You stated, and only pressed harder on the gas, testing your car's limits.

The police would not give up no matter how many sharp turns you took, they would always find a way to follow you.
But today, you were determined to make that different.

You shifted your stick, making your car growl as it drifted a full 360 before you stopped it, and drove the opposite way of which you were going before.
And the police didn't know that you were always one step ahead.
You rolled down your windows, and together, you and Finn threw out buckets of nails onto the street, hopefully sabotaging any car that dared to follow you.

And it worked.
Because you heard the police cars screech and  pop to a halt, and they could only watch as you and Finn drove further and further away.

"Haha! Nice work, baby."
Finn commended you, placing his hand on your thigh as you drove.

You smiled thinly, your face fought being overwhelmed with the urge to vomit because of all the 360 turns you just did.
This never used to happen before.

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