✰•sweet child•✰

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I m a g i n e : You visiting Finn's parents for the first time in a while—the only difference is, you and Finn have your newborn son with you..

Word Count : 1572


the dark wintry air sparked a certain livelihood in the car as you and finn drove along the long winding road towards his parents house for a christmas visit.
the last time you saw finn's parents, you two had been dating for a year, but now, you two had been dating for 3 years—and have a newborn son.

being teen parents wasn't necessarily your plan, yet you couldn't help but feel happy with
your little family and new life with finn.

finn was an actor, meaning that most of the money to fuel your small family would be coming from him—at least before you could find a job.
"we're here.."
finn muttered as he pulled up the driveway of a modernized fancy-living looking house that you assumed to be finn's parents'.

finn parked the car, leaning against the seat with a huff as he just sat there clenching the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white.

he was nervous, and his anxiety was kicking in with the anticipation of how his parents would react to his small family of his own.

"hey..it's gonna be great. you're gonna have a good time, okay? we all are.."
you comforted your boyfriend, knowing that he was worried that his parents wouldn't approve of him still not being married, nor his profession.

finn instantly relaxed against the touch of your hand on his shoulder, exhaling as he took a glance in the backseat to see his newborn son sleeping peacefully in his car seat.

he looked just like you, but his hair and body shape was already most definitely resembled his father, finn.

with a sigh, finn gave you a thin smile before you and him exited the car to retrieve your son as finn grabbed the diaper bag backpack and put it over his shoulders.
you both walked up the front steps to the door to ring the bell—anxiously waiting.
it wasn't until a few minutes later that the door was actually answered, and there stood a very intimidating looking couple who seemed high strung.

finn's father didn't same much except stare until finn's mother broke the silence.
"oh, honey ! please come on inside, it's been so long !"
mary eagerly welcomed your small family into her home, slightly moving eric out of the way so you could all file inside to be greeted with a delicious aroma of vanilla and freshly baked cookies.

as mary closed the door behind you, she smiled while she walked to lead you into the living room to make yourselves comfortable.
"so how was the trip over here?"
mary asked, settling down in a single rocking recliner once she saw that you and finn had made yourselves comfortable on the couch.
finn draped his arms around your shoulders as you cradled your sleeping son in your arms, praying that he wouldn't fuss.

"it was good. been a while since i drove down this street, almost got lost."
finn joked, chuckling to himself—earning a light laugh from his mother and a thin smile from his father.

it was progress, and finn exhaled quietly to himself with relief.

"i'm glad you made it safely. how's y/s/n been doing?"
eric lightened finn's tensed mood, turning to look from his son to his grandson.

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