✰ •Dating Finn Wolfhard• ✰

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\\Dating Finn Wolfhard Includes: \\

+When you go to premieres and red carpets with him:
-holds your hand the whole time.
-always has his hands on you.
-if there's a pesky photographer or paparazzi person who tries to ask you many question, Finn will pull you by your waist closer to him protectively.
-if other actors hit on you, Finn always makes them feel stupid by either kissing you right in front of them, or giving your waist a possessive squeeze.
-he always kisses you when you guys get pictures taken by the photographers or paparazzi.
-he only smiles in pictures when he's with you.

•always calls you "baby", "baby girl", or "babe."

Turn on's:

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Turn on's:

-when you bite your lip, it drives him crazy.
-when you run your hand through your hair slowly.
-when it sounds like you moaned, he gets turned on crazily fast.

"Finn, I think I forgot my homework in my locker. Shit."
You turn around to tell him when you were in the kitchen.

You bit your lip, and ran your hand through your hair out of stress.

Finn froze in his chair by the kitchen bar, and stared at you with a subtle smirk.

"I'm sure it's upstairs."
He said nonchalantly, and you darted to run upstairs, but tripped on a stair and moaned in pain when you hit your knee.

You heard Finn run over to check on you, and realized that you were on a stair, clutching your knee.

You moaned again as you rubbed your knee.

Finn gulped, and couldn't contain himself before you saw his lower half.

He pitched a tent.

You smirked to yourself secretly, and realized this would work perfectly.

"Babe..I-i really hurt myself.."
You moan again, and this time, Finn couldn't stop himself.

"I'm sure your fine."
He said hurriedly with frustrated eyes, and grabbed you hand, and hurried you upstairs to your bedroom, locking the door behind him.


Part 2?

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