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"I'm so sorry - how would you feel if I gave you your copy in person?" Newt asked hopefully. Tina's face twisted in disgust. "I'd rather not see you again, Mr. Scamander" she retorted, before turning away from him & walking off, leaving Newt all alone.

Newt gasped as he rose up from his pillow. Today, his book, Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them was being published. The day after that, Newt was going to New York to see the Goldstein sisters & hopefully Jacob. He was especially looking forward to seeing Tina. Newt sighed & got ready to pick up his book later in the day.


Meanwhile, in New York...

Tina couldn't sleep. It was around 1 in the morning until she decided to make some tea.

Making her way to to the kitchen she decided on Earl Grey, Newt's favourite. She would usually have a coffee or hot cocoa but for some reason she wanted something that reminded her of the Englishman.

After returning to bed she thought of Newt. The last time she saw him was a year ago, yet he never really left her mind.

She thought of his hair & how it flopped over his green-blue eyes. She thought of his freckles & just how cute they were. She thought of the death chamber & how he caught her. 'Get yourself together, Tina' she scolded herself. 'The only thing between you & Newt is friendship'

Suddenly a voice filled her room. "YEAH RIGHT, TEENIE!!!" Queenie yelled through the wall. "AS CUTE AS YOU TWO MIGHT BE, I NEED SLEEP!! DAYDREAM ABOUT NEWT IN. THE. DAY"

Tina muffled a laugh as she listened to Queenie complaining about her 'loud thoughts' After half an hour, Tina finally fell asleep.


Back at his little flat, Newt admired the book. It was silver & had gold writing.

Suddenly, Tina came to his mind. He wondered if she would like it. He wondered if she would cast him away, just like his dream.

'She wouldn't do that, would she?' Newt thought. 'No, she wouldn't, she's too sweet & nice & pretty & smart & strong & different in a good way &...' 

Newt trailed off. He was thinking way over the top. Right?

Hello!! Wait... who am I even greeting? If there actually is another human being other than myself reading this... Wow!! Thank you!! Terrible right? I hope you liked it but you probably didn't. I'm so sorry if it's cringe or unrealistic. This is my first ever fanfic, except for the ones I make up when laying in bed. Either you hated it or thought it was alright, I really hope it was the latter.

- Fangurl_700

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