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"Florence, wait!"

The girl turned around & her auburn hair turned buttercup yellow.

"Hurry up, then!"

"I'm coming!" Newt caught up to his daughter. "Flor, you can't change your appearance in front of the muggles.

"Where's Mum?" Florence looked around.

"I'm right here," Tina poked her head from behind Newt

"Come on! It's almost eleven o'clock!!" Florence pushed her trolley of luggage & her hair turned back to normal.

"Flor, it's only half-past. We have enough time," Tina put a hand on her daughter's shoulder.

"But I wanna see Marc & Rori," Florence whined & her hair turned yellow again.

Tina put a hat on Florence's hair, hiding its vibrant colour from the non-magic people.

"I know you're excited, but have to control the metamorphing," Tina tucked some stray hair under the hat.

"Okay, mum," Florence's hair turned back to normal & she took the hat off. "Can we go now?"

"Go on then," Newt pointed at the wall between platforms 9 & 10.

"Where do we go?"

"Where do we go?" Tina turned to her husband.

"Just run straight into that wall," Newt pointed again.

"What do you mean? We'll crash, Newt."

"I'll go first then. It's best to do it at a bit of a run."

Newt took Florence's trolley & disappeared into the wall.

"What just happened?" Florence looked up.

"I don't know, but I trust your father," Tina gripped the girl's hand.

Together, they ran straight into Platform 9 3/4.


"Wow!" Florence looked around, mouth agape & hair bubblegum pink

"Welcome to Platform 9 3/4. There's the Hogwarts Express," Newt pointed to the shiny maroon train.

The platform was crowded with families.

"Marc!" Florence ran over to her cousin.

"Hey, little cousin," Marc smiled. "Are you excited for your first year at Hogwarts?"

"Yes!" Florence beamed.

"You'll love it. It's super magical!"

"Hogwarts will become your home, Flor," Newt & Tina caught up the kids.

"Do you remember how many detentions we had together, Newt?" Leta gave a light giggle.

"While we were on Bowtruckle Island, Theseus was walking around with his Head Boy badge," Newt laughed.

"Which you stole," Theseus accused.

"Newt!" Tina whacked her husband playfully on the arm.

"Who's your favourite teacher?" Florence asked her cousin.

"Professor Dumbledore," Marc, Leta, Theseus & Newt all replied.

Everyone laughed.

"What's so funny?" Queenie appeared with Jacob & a blonde girl.

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