Not-So-Sweet Home

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Tina sat on a bench with her face in her hands.

The ship rocked slowly, creaking eerily.

The moon peeked from the clouds.

Another tear fell. And another.

Tina let out a sob. She refused to let herself cry, but she just couldn't help it.

Tears flowed down her cheeks. Why, why did you do it?

Queenie watched her from a window.

"I-I don't...what?" Jacob paced around their cabin. "Newt cheated on-on Tina..."

"He was kissing Violet." Queenie murmured back. 

"He-he wouldn't. He loves Tina. I know he does. Why would he do that?!"

Queenie tore herself away from the window. "I think it was the Imperius Curse."

"The what?"

"The Imperius Curse," the blonde repeated. "It's one of the three Unforgivable Curses. They're so dangerous, it's illegal to cast them."

"So, what does the Imp-cheerios do?" Jacob asked.

"The Imperius Curse places the victim completely under the caster's control, although, a person with exceptional strength can resist it. If you were under the Imperius Curse & the caster told you to kill the thing you loved most, unless you were strong, you would actually do it." Queenie turned back to the window.

Tina was freely crying now.

Footsteps approached her.

"Are-are you okay?" A man asked.

Tina looked up.

"I want to say yes..." She sobbed.

"Shhhh, it's okay. My name's Isaac Hawthorn. What's yours?"

"T-Tina Goldstein."

"Now, I don't want to intrude, but why are you crying?"

"My-my boyfriend cheated on me..." Tina mumbled.

"Why would he do that? He obviously doesn't deserve you!!" Isaac exclaimed, sitting down next to her.

Tina wiped some tears away. "He was so loving. So kind & compassionate..."

"It's New Years Eve! Lighten up. Just a smidge."

Tina looked at him sharply.

"What?" Isaac looked alarmed.

"N-nothing." Tina let out a shaky breath.

Fireworks started to burst into the air.

"Oh, well look at that!" Isaac smiled.

Tina gave him a small smile.

"Thank you, Mr Hawthorn." Tina murmured.

"My pleasure, Miss Goldstein."


Newt apparated to the docks just to see Tina's boat steam away into the distance.

Shaking his head, Newt rushed to the ticket booth.

"One ticket to America, please." Newt asked the tired looking attendant.

"We're closed, I was just packing up." The attendant picked up her bag.


"Come tomorrow."

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