Q & A

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It's time for questions!


Q: How old are you?

A: Pffffft. Like I'd tell you my actual age. I'm between 12 & 16. There. (Hint, I'm in high school.)

Q: What's your favourite book series of all time?

A: Harry Potter. Duhhhhh.

Q: Why are you making my heart die?

A: Coz I want to.

Q: What's your favourite TV show?

A: Gilmore Girls. I looove it.

Q: Do you like any other musicals other than Les Miserables?

A: I love music & movies. Those two things combined is like a dream come true. So, if you show me any musical, there's a 99% chance I'll love it. Les Mis is my fave of the faves. I also really love Disney movies.

Q: How's life going?

A: Eh. It's been better, but it's also been worse.

Q: What's your favourite colour?

A: International Klein Blue. It's sooo pretty. (It's also Eddie Redmayne's fave colour. Coincidence? I think not.)

Q: Do tomatoes have genders?

A: Probably. I had a burger with a tomato in it that seemed particularly masculine.

Q: Do you have any pets?

A: I used to have fish. They're dead now.

Q: What's your favourite food?

A: Salmon fillets. Yummmmm.

Q: Why are you so cruel to us?

A: I felt especially cruel last week.

Q: Why are you torturing us?

A: I was born at 3:33 am. The Devil's hour. Torturing is in my blood.

Q: Do you know/like Hamilton?

A: I really want to see Hamilton. I like the song Burn, but I've never actually seen it.


Here are some questions no one bothered to ask.

Q: Where are you from?

A: I am Filipino by blood, Chinese on my Dad's side, Spanish on my Mom's side & I live in Australia. I'm quite a mix.

Q: Do you have any siblings?

A: I have an annoying younger brother who I love to bits.

Q: Are you in a relationship?

A: *Sings* On my own...

Q: What's your name?

A: I ain't telling. I promised to stay anonymous.

Q: What's your dream job?

A: I really want to be an author. I've been told I'm not good or creative enough, so we'll see.


There ya have it, folks! My Q & A!!!!

Shoutout to @Meow577 for giving me the most questions.

See ya soon!!

- Fangurl_700

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