Going Home

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*One Month Later* (Yeah, it's a long time. Just roll with it.)

Newt entered his little apartment.

There, perched on the coffee table was a tawny owl with a letter clamped in its beak.

Newt took the letter, stroking the owl gently.

He tore open the envelope.

Dear Newton Scamander,

We are requesting for you to return to London & do a book signing at Marina's Magical Book Store.

Whatever you are doing in America can wait. (We asked your, rather eccentric, mother where you were.)

Please do come, we may have already advertised it. It's on the 5th of March.

You are welcome to bring friends or family if you please.


Karina Hearth, manager of Marina's Magical Book Store.

Newt sighed, rubbing his temple.

Knowing he'd have to tell Tina, he apparated to her door.

Just before he could knock, a voice spoke behind him.

"Newt Scamander?"

Newt turned around to see Mrs Esposito, Tina & Queenie's landlord, looking at him curiously.

"Mrs Esposito? How do you know who I am?"

"I read Witches Weekly." The old woman took out her crooked wand & summoned a magazine with Newt's face on it.

Newt looked at the magazine & was surprised.

"You're a witch?" Newt took the magazine & inspected it. "Wait...wha- How come I was never told that-"

"That you won Witches Weekly Most Handsome Wizard of 1927?" Mrs Esposito replied.

"My face was on one of the most popular wizarding magazines & I didn't know?!" Newt handed back the magazine.

"I'm sorry for asking, but what are you doing here?" 

"Here in America or here as in here?"


"Er...well....I'm dating one of your residents."

Mrs Esposito looked at the door that Newt was about to knock on.

"Oh! The Goldstein girls! Queenie's a sweet one, for sure, she's a lovely choice!"

"Uhm...no, I'm not dating Queenie," Newt blushed.

"Who then?"

The door suddenly opened.

"Oh, hello Newt." Tina hadn't seen the small figure of Mrs Esposito behind Newt.

"Tina." Newt breathed. Every time he saw her he just couldn't help blushing.

Tina noticed his face turning red. She gave him a small smile & kissed him.

"Tina? You-you're dating..." Mrs Espostio sputtered.

Tina sprung away from Newt in surprise.

"Mrs Espostio? I swear I can explain-"

"It's okay, darling girl. I'm glad you found love. I hereby give Newt permission to enter my building so he doesn't have to sneak in anymore."

Newt & Tina thanked Mrs Esposito & watched as she shuffled back down the stairs.

"I was just about to meet you at the park." Tina shooed her boyfriend into her apartment.

"I needed to talk to you about something." Newt sank down next to Tina who had sat down on the couch.

"What is it?" Tina looked worried. "Is something wrong?"

Newt gave her a smile. "No, nothing's wrong. I just have to go back to England for a book signing."

"Oh...well, that's-that's good, right?" Tina squeezed his hand.

"Well for my book, yes. I just don't want to leave you." Newt looked at her. "Even though I know you'll be fine, I just want to be with you."

Tina kissed him softly.

"Newt, I wish I could come with you, but I have work."

"I know," Newt sighed. "I'm leaving in 2 days."

"Well, for now, just...stay with me?"

"Always & forever." Newt murmured.


2 days later Tina was bidding Newt farewell at the docks.

"Promise to write, even though it's only for 2 weeks?" Tina looked at him hopefully.

"I'll write every day." Newt kissed her.

Angela was already on the boat.

She spotted Newt & Tina kissing.

"I guess they didn't need my help after all," she smiled.

Newt gave Tina one last kiss before making his way up the gangplank.

"Newt..." Tina called out.

He turned back to face her.

"I love you." 

"Not as much as I love you," Newt replied, smiling.

A scatter of people "awwed" as they walked by.

Tina blushed & waved goodbye as the boat steamed off.


Newt sighed, sitting down on a bench.

He was going home.

Was he, though?

It didn't feel like home without Tina.


Okay, so Newt's going back to England!

Without Tina...

What shall happen? 

Read on!!

- Fangurl_700

PS. Short, but who cares? Certainly not me.

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