Hatch A Plan

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Tina gasped audibly. He was after Queenie?!

"Well then, if you're after one particular girl. Then I'm not interested. I like things to be focused on me" Tina smiled sweetly, voice wavering a bit.

Making the sound of an elephant in labour, Jayden left his friend & Tina alone at the bar.

"So, hon. You still want that drink?"

"Yeah..... no"

"C'mon hon, one drink"

"Ugh, fine"

The man bought Tina 3 firewhiskys & grinned devilishly as she drank all of them.

Drunk, Tina started spinning around on the stool.

"So hon, your place or mine?" The man put his hand on her waist.

"Both" came a voice behind him.

It was Newt.

"What do you mean both?" The man retorted.

"You go to your place & she'll go to hers" Newt strode over to Tina & took her hand.

The man backed off "Oh, I didn't know she was taken. She was just flirting with my friend Jayden earlier!!"

Newt rolled his eyes "C'mon Tina, let's get you home" he said gently.

"Helloooooo Noot" Tina giggled.

"Tina, you're drunk. Let's get you home" Newt took her over to Queenie, who was taking shots & crying.

"Alright Queenie, you're drunk too. Great. Let's go home" Newt grabbed Queenie's hand & apparated them home.


"Whereeeeee areeeeeee weeeeee Nooooot?" Tina slurred.

"Home, Tina, home" Newt lay Queenie on the couch after she passed out.

"Your hair is floppy Noot" Tina giggled "I likeee your floppy haaaair"

Tina stumbled into an armchair, where she curled up & started to sing.

"🎶The world is spinniiiiiiiiiing. I really like Noooooot. I think Queenie is deeeaaad🎶"

Newt blushed & sat in another armchair, next to Tina.

"Hey, hey Noot" Tina leaned over & whispered loudly "I really really like yooouuu. But don't tell anyone, especially not Noot."

Smiling, the magizoologist summoned a blanket & placed it over the drunk witch.

"Shh, Tina you don't know what you're saying. You're drunk, you don't really really like me, you have a boyfriend. Remember, Jayden? Your boyfriend?" there was a trace of sadness in his voice.

"Jay-Jay is dumb" Tina started crying.

"You can tell me all about it in the morning, Tina. When you're sober"


Where am I? What happened?

Tina slowly opened her eyes & saw Newt in the armchair next to her & Queenie sprawled on the couch.

Newt's eyes slowly opened. "Hey, you're awake" he smiled.

"Yeah, I am. Newt, what happened last night?" Tina asked, worried.

Laughing a little, Newt reminded Tina of last nights events.

"Ohmygod, I am SO sorry!! I was drunk & sad, I'm so sorry" Tina remembered her boyfriend's confession.

"Wait, why were you sad?" Newt inquired.

"Jayden is cheating on me, with 9 other girls!!" Tina started crying.

"That son of a b-"


"What?! I was gonna say 'Son of a bugger!!' Which he is"

"Apparently, the only reason he's with me is so he can get Queenie. He said that he was after her even in Illvermorny!!" Tina sobbed "All this time I've been a tool?!"

"No Tina, you're so much more than that!!" Newt exclaimed. "You're headstrong & stubborn. Smart & beautiful" a blush crept up is neck & settled in on his cheeks.

Newt wiped away her tears & she leant over to him.

Newt stroked her face "you're so much more" he whispered.

Tina felt the urge to kiss him.

Leaning in, Newt bit his lip.

"UGHHHH" Queenie groaned from the couch "my everything hurts"

Newt & Tina jumped back.

"Oh, um, yeah, Queenie's awake"


Helloo!! Thanks for reading!! I love reading your comments & the fact you guys are voting is just... AAH!!! I'll try to read all of your comments & reply when I can. Thanks again!!

Yeah.... that's basically it.

- Fangurl_700

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