Date Night 3.0

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"Newt!!" Alexa ran after him.

"Alexa, why would she do that?" Newt turned to face her.

"She still loves you. She's been hurt but she still loves you," Alexa explained.

"I don't mean anything anymore?"

"No! Newt, I am 110% certain that you mean the world to Tina."

"How-how do you know?"

"I'm a Spiritual Legillimens."

"A Spiritual-" Newt blinked in shock. "But-but Spiritual Legillimens don't exist anymore!"

"Well, here I am! I can feel other people's emotions as well as the ability to read their mind."

"That's amazing!" Newt studied her features. "But then again, another Legillimens?! A Spiritual one, might I add?!"

Alexa laughed.

Newt liked the way her hair fell in ringlets, perfectly framing her face.

"Alexa, you said part of the bet was to go on a date with me?" Newt asked.

"Yes..." Alexa spoke slowly.

"Then, we'll do it tonight. Give me your address then I'll pick you up & everything. Bring a camera too. Show Jayden a picture." Newt smiled. "You are paying off your debts, my friend."

"Are-are you sure?" Alexa questioned. "What about Tina?"

"I love Tina with all of my heart but that doesn't mean we can't go on a friendly outing."

"I thought you said-"

"Tell Jayden it was a date. In reality, it'll just be two friends going out."

Newt put his hand on her shoulder. "I don't know why, but I immediately trust you. I feel as if we've been good friends for a long time."

Alexa laughed. "Maybe it's because I can read your mind & feel your emotions?"

Newt chuckled. "Perhaps."


"It was Newt?" Isaac showed Tina the piece of paper.

"My letter..." Tina gasped softly.

"You & Newt love each other?" Isaac asked.

"No, not anymore! That's-that's behind us now."

"Tina, I like you. I like you a lot. Hell, I may even love you!" 

"I-I love you too!!"

"No, you don't." Isaac gave her a heartbroken smile. "You are special. You have a fire in you. If you're the right person, the fire will warm your home. If you're not, it could burn your house down."

"Thanks.......I think."

"Tina, I'm not the right person. You are one of a kind. I'm one of millions. Newt is supposed to be the one to tame the fire in you. No one else can do it!"

Tina rushed over & hugged Isaac with all her might.

"I truly do love you, Isaac. As friends."

"Thank you. It was good while it lasted."


"Newt!" Alexa smiled. 

She was wearing a black dress & white heels. Her makeup was simple, yet elegant.

"Alexa," Newt nodded his hello. "Do you have everything?"

The girl held up her small clutch purse. "It's an Undetectable Extention Charm."

"Yes, I'm quite familiar with it." Newt smiled before escorting her out of the building.


Tina was searching all over the city for Newt.

He wasn't in his apartment & she just couldn't find him anywhere.

Suddenly, an idea popped into Tina's mind.

She made her way to an alley before discreetly slipping her wand out of her coat sleeve.

"te requiro," the brunette murmured.


Newt & Alexa had just sat down when a stream of golden light ejected from Newt's sleeve.

"Wha-" Alexa looked at the beam of light.

"Tina needs me..." Newt murmured.

But the things she said that day. They were horrible. It was as if they dated 10 years ago. It was as if she had almost forgotten how much they loved each other.

"Just-just ignore it." Newt shook his head & slipped his wand farther up his sleeve.


Tina was just passing a fancy restaurant when she saw something in the window.

It was Newt & Alexa.

It looked like a date.

Tina watched as Newt looked at the golden light flooding out of his sleeve.

She held her breath.

Would he rush out of the restaurant to look for her?

Tina watched as he shook his head & pushed his wand up his sleeve even more.


"Newt. She broke up with him," Alexa spoke up.

"What?" Newt looked confused.

"Tina & Isaac broke up."

"How do you..."

"She saw you hide your wand," Alexa's eyes suddenly turned sad. Like she was about to cry. "She feels heartbroken."

Newt looked to the window.

Tina stood out there, tears in her eyes & all alone.

Newt stood up.

Knowing what he was about to do, Alexa beamed & gave him a thumbs up.

Newt made his way out of the restaurant.

"Newt..." Tina sniffed.

"I'm sorry." Newt started.

And then he kissed her.


Less drama.

I'm trying to start wrapping things up now.

Vote & comment.

- Fangurl_700

PS. It's short. A lot of them are.

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