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"See you soon, Newt." Scarlett cooed before leaving the bookstore, laden with multiple copies of the same book.

"I sincerely hope not," Newt murmured.

"Okay, Newt. Looks like that annoying woman was the last customer. Again. I can pack up. You head home, you need to get some sleep." Bunty sighed & folded up the sign before passing it to the store attendant.

"Thanks, Bunty." Newt stood up & collected his case.

"It-it was wonderful to have you here, Mr Scamander." A young worker smiled nervously.

"It was a pleasure. Mostly. Erm..what's your name?"

"Lila," the girl smiled. "Are you staying in London for long?"

"No, I'm heading back to New York this weekend. I have only one other signing this week, which is a relief."

Lila giggled.

"That woman with the dark red hair, the last customer. She bought 19 copies of your book. It looked like she just wanted to speak to you. Are you two dating or something?"

"Scarlett Thompson? Oh, definitely not!"

"Sorry, it looked like-"

"It's alright. The whole reason I'm going to New York is because there's a very special someone there, waiting for me."

Lila 'awwed' & clutched her heart.

"Well, you've been awfully kind, but I must get going. I think I'll write her a letter when I get home."

"It was nice meeting you," Lila smiled.

Newt nodded to her before leaving the bookstore.


"Teen!! You gotta help me!!" Queenie burst into her sister's room.

"What?" Tina sat at her desk with her back facing the door.

"I'm working on the wedding plans & I have NO idea where to have it!!"

"Have it at that old chapel you really loved. Y'know, the one with roses growing over it?" Tina barely looked up from her file.

"Teen, I can't get married there."

"Queenie, you always said that you wanted to get married there at sunset. Just go reserve it, I'm really busy right n-"

"Porpentina Esther Goldstein. Listen to me. I'm getting married in London. If you paid attention to your job, you would know that my marriage is illegal here."


"Tina, you're not going to be left alone here." Queenie sat on the bed.

"Stop reading my mind."

"Newt will always be with you. As will Alexa, Jacob & I."

Tina turned around in her chair to face her sister.

"It's're moving to England & Newt already lives there. All of you will be so far away."

"Then move with us!!" Queenie gasped excitedly.

"I-I can' life is here in New York."

"You like adventure. It's part of why you're a Thunderbird. Well, moving to England is just another adventure."

"I mean...yeah, it is, but how? Newt & I aren't married, so how could I-"

"Just think about it. I'll just ask Newt for nice places in London when he gets back."

With that, the blonde left.


Newt was walking home when something caught his eye.

It was a ring.

Looking around cautiously, Newt stepped inside.


"Hello," the young-ish white-blonde girl spoke up. "I am Esme. How can I help you?"

"Er...can I look at that ring in the window?" Newt was slightly taken back by her strong French accent.

"Of course, which one?"

"Uh...the one on the left."

Esme reached down & grabbed the keys from under the counter.

The white-haired woman crossed the room & unlocked the window.

"Here, take a look at that."

Newt examined the ring.

It was rose-gold & had two crystals on either side of a small diamond. It was simple, yet unique.

"Are you proposing?" Esme piped up.

"Well, I have thought of it. I was too scared to mention it."

"Do you love her?" 

"With all my heart."

"Does she love you?"

"Yes. I'm pretty sure."

"Then you should propose."

Newt continued to study the ring.

After a pause, he finally spoke up.

"I'll take it."

"Merveilleux!!" Esme took back the ring box & went back to the counter to bag it.

Newt thanked her & left the shop.


That night, Newt took out the ring.

He spent an hour just examining it.

He couldn't find one flaw.

It was perfect.


This is the second time I published this chapter.

It was already posted & one day I checked up on it & hALF OF IT WAS MISSING.

I promise the last A/N was nicer. I'm just kinda frustrated.

See ya soon!

- Fangurl_700


🔝Tina's engagement ring🔝

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🔝Tina's engagement ring🔝

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