Apology Accepted

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Newt sat on the bench with his back hunched low.

Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

Turning around, his eyes widened in surprise.


"Hey, Newt."


Tina sighed & turned her back.

She made her way to the alleyway & apparated home.

Tina looked around & picked up a picture of Newt holding her close to him, whispering something into her ear.

Tina smiled, remembering what he had said to her.

"You are a remarkable woman & you deserve everything good in this world. You have no idea how much you mean to me & I love you with every bit of my heart."

She was definitely going to miss him.


"So, you came to New York in search for me, then you found out that you were lustic the whole time?!" Newt sputtered.

Violet nodded solemnly.

"But-but how come I never noticed?"

"I had a thing for sparkly things, remember? Whenever someone asked about my abnormally shiny eyes, I told them that it was a special spell. I probably told you too."


Violet smiled. A true smile.

"I'm sorry, Newt."

"How-how did you break it?"

"I...I met a guy. He's so sweet & kind."

Newt looked intently into her eyes.

"No sparkling. I presume you really like him."

"I very much do. He's patient, kind, generous, reliable & so much more."

The corners of Newt's lips turned up slightly.

"I'm glad you're happy."

"I'm genuinely sorry, Newt. What I did was unacceptable. I think it's best if we keep away from each other. I assume Tina would rather that too."

"Probably," Newt nodded, slightly.

"Speaking of Tina, how-how is she? Are you two...good?"

"Immensely," Newt grinned, lopsidedly.

"That's wonderful!" Violet beamed. 

"Thank you," Newt tried to suppress his own smile

"I feel like I should say sorry again."

"It's okay," Newt chuckled. "Apology accepted."


Tina lay in her bed.

It was very late, but she just couldn't sleep. Thankfully, the next day was a Sunday.

Heartache had crept into her chest & stayed there.

Newt had been gone for 3 days & every bit of her missed him.

She couldn't wait for him to come home.

Tina paused.

He was already home. In England.

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