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The doorbell rang.

"Mo-" Theseus started.

"Don't you even try, Theseus Scamander." Joanne wagged a finger in his face. "No, I will not change that bell."

There was a clatter upstairs.

"No, wait- ow!" Newt rushed down the stairs to with a blindfolded Tina in tow.

"Newt! Is the blindfold really necessary?" Tina called as she tripped over a ripple in the hallway rug.

"Very much so!!" Newt called back, gripping her hand tighter & running even faster than before.

"Newton!! What is going on, here? Do this later, there's someone at the door!!" Joanne stood up & watched her youngest son rush down the hall with his blindfolded American being dragged after him.

"I can't, Mother!! I have a surprise for Tina right now!" Newt stopped in front of the double doors.

Newt helped up Tina who was slumped against the wall, panting.

"This surprise better be worth it, Newt." Tina stood up straight.

The doorbell rang again.

"Don't worry, it will be." Newt looked hastily at the door.

"Okay," he slowly untied the blindfold.

Tina slowly opened her eyes & found herself face to face with the front doors.

"My surprise are the doors?" She turned to Newt, arms crossed. "Is this some rude way of showing me out?"

"No no no no no no!!" Newt waved his hands around. "No no no no no!!"

The doorbell rang twice more, the music overlapping each other.

"DO NOT SAY A WORD, THESEUS." Joanne's voice commanded.

The doorbell rang once more.

Unfolding her arms, Tina wrenched open the door to reveal...

"QUEENIE!! JACOB!!" Tina shrieked.

"Teen!! Oh, Tina!!" Queenie hugged her sister tight.

"Hey there, Newt!!" Jacob shook hands with Newt heartily.

"Jacob!! It's good to have you back!" Newt smiled.

"Come on inside!!" The youngest Scamander beckoned them in.


"Mother, this is Jacob Kowalski He's a-"

"No-Maj." Tina & Queenie chimed in.

"Come again?" Leta furrowed her eyebrows.

"What she meant was.." Joanne pitched in. "A say what now?"

"A muggle." Newt looked at the American sisters, smiling slightly.

"Who may this young beauty be?" Joanne shook Queenie's hand.

"Oh, I'm Queenie Goldstein. Me & Jacob here a friends of Newt's from New York." The blonde beamed. "Thank you so much for letting us stay here!!"

Joanne nudged Theseus.

Yet again, the eldest of the Scamander brothers conjured up a piece of parchment & a quill.

Newt & Tina watched this & laughed quietly.

"Excuse me, Miss Goldstein?" Theseus approached Queenie. "I have some questions regarding your relationship with my brother."

"It's Queenie." As she said that, the blonde reached into her purse & handed Theseus a letter.


"It's all the questions & answers you were about to ask me. You had them very well prepared & I just decided to be prepared too. I wrote them down when we were waiting outside. It took a while to answer it but I think Newt was very sweet to surprise my sister." Queenie babbled.

"How did you kno-"

"My turn to interrupt." Tina spoke up. "My sister is a legilimens."

"That explains a lot." Leta smiled.

"You two are most definitely coming to the ball tonight." Joanne said excitedly.

"A ball?! Yes please!!" Queenie's eyes sparkled with happiness. "Teen, I know you don't have a dress, so we're going shopping."

Leta opened her mouth to say something.

"Of course you can come, Leta!! It's going to be so much fun!!" Queenie was so happy & excited for the day.

"Is it going to be like this for the time being?" Theseus inqured about Queenie's habbit of speaking for others.

"Get used to it." Newt, Tina & Jacob said simultaneously.


I know I said I'd give you a ball as well bur it's 1 am & I'm tiiiiiiiired. I don't wanna give you guys a half-hearted, sleepy ball. I wanna give you an amazingly super-rockin-fantastic ball!!

With all it's conflicts & angst!!

'Kay, bai!!


PS. I'm going home in two days & I won't be able to write on the plane. I'll see you guys soon!! Thanks heaps!!

PPS. I know it's short. I'm tiiiiiiiiired. Who cares if it's short anyway? Your opinion on my chapter length does not concern me. *Translation* Too short? So sue me. I don't care if you think it's too short.

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