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"Newt Scamander, of course I will marry you."

Newt's face was washed over with relief as he stood up & slid the ring onto Tina's finger.

They shared a gentle kiss before slowly breaking apart.

There was a burst of applause.

Startled, the couple looked around & saw that there was a crowd in a large circle around them.

"I should have done this in a more intimate place," Newt whispered to Tina.

"It's perfect, Newt. You weren't the only one who fell in love in this spot," Tina whispered back. 

People congratulated them as they pushed their way through the crowd.

Even though they both disliked crowds, Newt & Tina were both smiling.


The apparated into the alleyway next to Jacob's bakery.

Newt picked up his case & turned around to see Tina admiring her ring.

"It's beautiful. You picked the perfect one," Tina said, in a bare whisper.

"I'm glad to know," Newt set down his case & took her hands.

"I love you so much," Tina smiled softly.

"I love you too," Newt kissed her.

Tina leaned into the kiss.

They continued kissing, rather heatedly, when suddenly someone barrelled down the alley, crashing into them.

"What the-" Tina yelped.

"CONGRATULATIONS!!!!" Alexa squealed, hugging them both tightly.

"A-Alexa?" Newt tilted his head in amusement & confusion.

"How did you even know we were here?" Tina smiled at the excited girl.

"Well, I was just closing up for while Queenie & Jacob while they were at the register when I sensed some strong feelings of love coming from the wall," Alexa explained.

"Did you actually think the wall was giving off feelings of love? Because that's absolutely crazy, & if you genuinely think that, I think you became an even better friend than you were before," Tina butted in.

"Well, for around 3 seconds I did think it was the wall, & I thought, that's crazy! Walls can't feel overpowering love! There must be people on the other side! So I tuned into your thoughts, like a stalker weirdo, & I heard you two thinking adorable mushy stuff about how you couldn't wait to spend your lives together."

Alexa took a deep breath. She had said this all very fast & enthusiastically.

"Anywaaay, come on!!" She took the couple by the wrists & dragged them out of the alley.

Newt picked up his case just in time before being dragged off by their excited friend.


"NEWT, TINA!!" Queenie screeched before basically leaping over the counter & throwing herself at the couple.

Jacob, however, hurried around the counter like a sane person.

"OH MY EVER-LOVING F-" A very excited-sounding curse word came out of Queenie's mouth. "CONGRATULATIONS YOU TWO!!!!"

"Thanks, Queenie," Tina wrenched her & Newt away from her sister's death grip.

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