I Still Love You

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"Do you have to go?" Tina released Queenie from the hug.

"Teen, Jacob & I have been married for five months already. We have to go. You, of all people, should know that. And anyway, it's not goodbye. In three months, you & Newt will move to England to get married."

Tina blushed & looked over Queenie's shoulder to see her fiance patting Jacob on the back while shaking his hand.

"Okay," she sighed.

"I'll see you soon, alright? And when I do, we can plan your wedding!!!" Queenie squealed & hugged Tina tightly.

"Okay, okay!" Tina laughed slightly.

The Goldstein sisters made their way over to Newt & Jacob.

"See you soon, Newt!" Queenie spoke brightly before hugging him too.

"Er- Take care now, Queenie," Newt was taken back with the sudden affection, but accepted it all the same.

"Goodbye, Jacob," Tina smiled at her brother-in-law.

"We'll see you soon, Tina. Oh! And by the way," his voice dropped. "I have five wedding cake designs for you and Newt."

"Thank you, Jacob. Newt says he doesn't want to trouble anyone, but I know you'll do wonderfully."

Jacob beamed back.

The ship's horn sounded.

"Oh! That's us!" Queenie & Jacob picked up their one suitcase each (magically expanded by Newt) & gave the others a matching smile before setting off onto the boat's gangplank. 

"See you soon!" Queenie yelled over the second horn.

The third horn sounded & the ship embarked.


Tina was walking down the street when she collided head-first with someone.

She fell to the ground.

"Ow! Watch where you're going."

The man helped her up.

"Hey, Tina. It's been a while."

Tina looked up & saw a tall-ish man with chestnut brown hair.


Tina brushed herself off & looked away.

"Wanna get some coffee?" Jayden asked. "I've missed you."

"I'm fine, thanks. I was just walking home."

"I'll take you, then. Maybe we can have coffee at your place. With Queenie."

"Queenie is in London. She got married to a No-Maj & had to move."

Jayden looked almost jealous for a second, but it disappeared quickly.

"That's fine. We can have coffee alone," Jayden winked.

Tina cocked her head to the side. Last time she saw Jayden, he was lustic for her.

She looked intently into his eyes.

They seemed clear.

"Are my eyes really that gorgeous?" Jayden laughed.

"No," Tina rolled her eyes. "I was just...checking for something."

"In my eyes?"


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