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Newt & Tina apparated back to the Scamander Estate.

Newt slowly opened the door.

They quietly made their way down the hall & turned into the sitting room.

Everyone else was there, waiting patiently for them.

The couple put down their bags.

"Did ya have fun?" Jacob wiggled his eyebrows.

"They did." Queenie replied.

She continued to scan their minds.

"Hotdog?" She looked amused.

Tina nodded. "It's been a while since I had them."

"Ughhh, why can't Violet just leave them alone!" Queenie sighed, annoyed.

"Yes, well, she's gone now." Newt shrugged.

"Knowing her, not for long." Leta remarked.

"Okay, enough talk about her." Joanne waved her hands.

"What did you do while we were gone?" Newt asked.

"We were getting ready for The Anual Neighborhood New Years Eve Party!" William replied, excitedly.

"What's that?" Tina questioned.

"Every year since Father was a child, our entire neighbourhood spills onto their streets with food, music & fireworks. It's great fun." Theseus answered.

"Interesting." Tina smiled.

"Tina, do you have a dress?" Queenie.

"I don't want to wear a dress. I've been wearing dresses for everything. It's just on the streets, anyway. It's not too fancy." Tina folded her arms.

Newt & Tina picked up their bags & brought them to Newt's room.


Tina looked through her suitcase.

She picked out a pair of brown pants & a nice black blouse. It was simple, but not too casual. Charming, but not flashy.

Tina tried it on.

Newt emerged from the bathroom wearing a towel around his waist.

His hair was wet & tousled. He had light freckles all over his chest & he had scars. Lots of scars.

His eyes widened when he saw Tina.

"Oh, I-I thought you-you were with your sister in-in the sitting room," he stammered, turning red.

"Sorry. I thought you were going to take a while." Tina blushed. "How did you get all those scars?"

"I work with magical creatures. As much as I love them, it sometimes takes a while for them to warm up to me." Newt showed her a faint scar on his shoulder. "From the Niffler."

Tina laughed softly.

Newt ran a hand through his wet hair.

"Is-is that what you're wearing tonight?"


"Beautiful." Newt smiled.

"Thank you." Tina looked away, bashfully. "What are you wearing?"

"Oh, just the usual, probably." Newt shrugged.

He went to his closet & pulled out his normal white collared shirt, his gold-brown waistcoat & black trousers before retreating back to the bathroom to change.

Newt came out fully dressed, a couple minutes later.

He quickly put on his short leather boots & did his little black bowtie.

Tina smiled fondly at the sight.

When she arrested Newt, the first thing Tina noticed was his dapper sense of style.

"It's okay?" Newt turned to her.

Tina stepped over to him & stood in front of the mirror next to him.

They both looked at each other's reflections.

"You look great." Tina reassured him.

Newt turned to look at her. She really did look beautiful. Her eyes were pools of passion & wonder, her smile lit up the world around him, no matter how dark it was.

Tina was still looking in the mirror.

She noticed Newt staring at her admiringly.

He had a soft smile on his face & his eyes looked so happy.

Unable to hold herself back, Tina turned & kissed him.

Newt began to lean in more, putting his hand to her cheek.

They were soon kissing passionately.

After a couple minutes, they pulled apart for air.

"I love you." They said simultaneously.


I know it's short.

It's more of a filler chapter really.

I'm really excited for the next chapter. Y'all are gonna flip.

See ya soon!

- Fangurl_700

PS. 😈😈😈

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