New Years Eve

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"Tina, you look wonderful!" Joanne commented as the Newt & Tina walked out down to the streets.

The entire neighbourhood was buzzing. There was music, food, dancing & magic everywhere.

"What about the No-maj's?" Tina asked Newt.

"This area is strictly witches & wizards. We always put a magical barrier around the edge of the district & whenever a muggle tries to cross it, they forget why they wanted to come over here & suddenly have the urge to go home." Newt replied, tapping his foot to the music.

Tina noticed this.

"Do-do you want to dance?"

"Oh, you probably wouldn't so-"

Tina grabbed his arm & dragged him to the place where the most dancing was.

Tina took Newt's hand as the swayed to the music.

Newt twirled Tina around, with her hair swishing around her face.

Soon, the song ended.

"That was fun." Tina looped her arm through Newt's.

"Very much. That was my favourite song growing up." Newt grinned.

Tina saw a table of food.

She rushed over & got some of Joanne's homemade meat pies.

"These were also my favourite growing up." Newt smiled as Tina passed him one.

The two of them quietly enjoyed their food for a moment.

"I'm getting water. Do you want a drink?" Newt spoke up.

"Water's fine, thanks." Tina smiled.

Newt came back with two glasses of water.

After a while, a different song came on.

"I love this song!" Tina looked surprised but happy.

"I think I've heard it." Newt tilted his head towards where the music was coming from.

"Come on! We have to dance!" Tina dragged Newt back over to the place with the most dancing.

Although this song was quicker, it's melody was very catchy. 

Tina noticed a huddle of girls in their 20's.

They watched them dance in jealousy.

One approached Newt.

"Hi, Newt! It's been a while! I heard you were out of the country."

"Hello, Ella. I was in America." Newt replied, not looking at her.

The other girls also approached him & started flirting madly.

"I missed you!"

"I read your book, it's amazing!"

"I loved your description of the Basilisk!"

"Do you like my dress?"

"How about the colour of my lipstick? Do you like it?"

Newt took Tina's hand.

"Have you all met Tina?" He gently tugged her towards him.

The young women shook their heads.

"Well, this is Tina. An amazing American auror & my girlfriend."

Tina smiled at them.

The girls were taken aback.

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