I Promise

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"How have you been?" Scarlett flicked her long, red hair behind her shoulder.

"Uh, I'm-I'm fine. Would you like to buy...another book?"

"I would, but my appartment is getting full. Do you wanna talk?"

"Oh, I-I have to go help pack up."

"But you're like the guest or whatever. You're famous. You shouldn't have to be a servant."

"No, I should help since the mess is made by me," Newt turned to leave.

"Wait, I have to ask you something!" Scarlett grabbed his arm.

Newt took his arm back.

"Is the girlfriend still around?"

"Well, technically she's not my girlfriend anymore, but-"

Scarlett brightened up considerably.

"That's great! Now we can go out for dinner!!"

Newt shook his head.

"She's actually my fia-"

"So, you'll pick me up at 7?"

"I'd rather not...see I'm enga-"

"7:30? 8? I'm flexible," she paused, smiling seductively. "In more ways than one."

"Newt, do you know where the books on Werewolves are-?" Tina stopped when she saw Scarlett.

"Who are you," the redhead demanded.

"I'm Tina...who are you?"

"Scarlett Thompson. Why are you here with Newt?" Scarlett snapped.

"Because we're in a relationship," Newt put an arm around Tina.


"We're engaged," he added.

"B-But..." Scarlett seemed to have an idea. "We've been dating for 6 months already!"

"You know what, you stop that. Right now," Tina stepped away from Newt to face Scarlett. "I've been in this situation before, so cut it out."

"It's true!" With that, Scarlett stepped forward & kissed Newt with incredible passion.

Newt, struggling, pulled away from Scarlett to see Tina gone.

"Now, she's out of the way." Scarlett brightened up. "7:30 it is?"

"No," Newt said incredulously. "Why won't you accept the fact that I'm taken?"

"Because you're the first person that has ever turned me down! I'm irresistible! Even married men fall for me!!"

"Well, those men aren't loyal. They aren't truly in love with their significant others if they're willing to leave them over a woman like you."

Newt moved past an offended looking Scarlett & left the shop.

Bunty poked her head around the bookcase.

"And you are?" Scarlett folded her arms.

"I'm you, but kinder," Bunty replied.


"Tina?" Newt entered the basement. "I've been looking for you everywhere. I went to Queenie & Jacob's & they said you came by before coming home."

Newt continued to wander around the enclosures.

"I've checked every room thrice, please tell me you're here."

Then, Newt spotted his case on a desk.

"This wasn't open before we left..." He murmured.

Stepping in, Newt was enveloped by the familiar world of his case.


Suddenly, Newt realized exactly where she was.

"There you are."

Tina was sitting against a rock in Frank's old enclosure.

"Hi," she said softly.

"Are you okay?" Newt sat beside her.

"Yes," Tina shifted herself away from Newt.

"No, you're not," Newt pointed to Tina's ring, which she was twisting. "You're stressed."

"Newt, are we making the right choice?"

"What do you mean?"

"Us getting married. Do you think we're making a mistake?"

"Are you having second thoughts?" Newt put his hands on hers.

"A little."


"I can't compete with girls like Scarlett. Did you see the reaction of the girls in line when you announced that we were engaged? They looked disappointed, sad & jealous."

"But I don't care. I love you, Tina & nothing will change that."

"I love you too, but-"

"It's always been you, Tina. Only you."

"Are-are you sure?"

Newt squeezed her hands.

"I promise."

Tina shifted towards Newt & he wrapped her in his arms. 

And there they stayed, neither tried to kiss the other & no one spoke.

It wasn't romantic, it was just love in it's purest form.


"So, is everything good?"

Newt & Tina were at Queenie & Jacob's house.

"Yes, of course. I was having doubts yesterday, but everything is okay."

"Good," Queenie squeezed her sister's hand.

Jacob & Newt were in the kitchen baking. Or at least just Jacob was.

"Er...Jacob, I have absolutely no idea how to bake. I can make really simple things like baked ham, potatoes & cheese, that's about where I draw the line."

"It's okay, you can just pass me ingredients & do other simple tasks."

"Are you boys okay in there?" Queenie called over from the sitting room.

"Uh...trying our best?" Newt called back as Jacob heaved out a sack of flour.

"Newt, you sound mildly afraid," Tina leaned forward to try & see through the doorway from the sofa.

"Just a smidge," Newt replied. "There's nothing to worry about, it's just baking."

"That's the spirit, love," Tina called before returning to her conversation with Queenie.

"Okay, so how are your plans?" Queenie clasped her hand together excitedly.

"Plans for what?"

"Your wedding of course!"


Okay, okay, I know it wasn't a fight. It wasn't even a lovers spat.

So this my November update. NaNoWriMo will consume my writing time for now.

See y'all soon!

- Fangurl_700

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