A New Life

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1 year later

"Darling, wake up."

Tina mumbled something & rolled over.

"Tina, come on. It's your last day before the holidays."

"I don't wanna..."

"I know you don't, but it's the last day. It was very kind of Theseus to give you a day off even before the holidays. You would've had to work tomorrow as well."

"The perks of being the sister-in-law of the Head of the Auror Office," Tina sighed into her pillow.

"So, are you getting up or not?"

"FIne," Tina sat up. "What are you going to do today?"

"I'm working on the book."

"I can't believe you're doing a second edition!" Tina grinned excitedly. "Hopefully you won't have to catch Grindelwald this time."

"He's in a cell in New York right now, I think we'll be fine."

"Oh, I miss New York..." Tina rested her head on Newt's shoulder. "Can we visit Lexa & Isaac during the holidays?"

"You just ruined my surprise. I've been planning a trip for a couple of months already," Newt laughed.

"My bad, I can still act surprised if you want."

"You're sweet, but that's okay," Newt planted a kiss on her head.

"Maybe we can visit Dom & Vi too," Tina looked thoughtful. "It's been so long since we've seen our friends."

"We can see Seraphina & Samantha too if you want."

"Really? We haven't seen them since the wedding!"

"We can if you get up & go to work."

"Okay, okay I'm going!" Tina threw the blankets off & got out of bed.

Just as she was about to get changed, Tina started to feel very dizzy.

"I- uh...I'll get ready for work now..."

"Are you okay?" Newt was by her side in a flash.

"Um...yeah. I'm probably just tired or something."

"You look pale," Newt had concern etched into his face.

"I'm okay..."

With that, Tina fainted straight into Newt's arms.


"Why didn't you take her to the hospital or something?" Queenie was frantic.

"Calm down, Queenie. She just passed out."

"You make it sound normal!!"

"It is normal," Newt reassured her. "Well, not exactly. We have her on her back & her legs are elevated. She'll come to soon."

"How are you so calm? Your wife is unconscious!!" Queenie looked very flustered.

"Shhh, take a deep breath hon," Jacob put a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm terrified right now, but we have to stay calm & rational," Newt checked Tina's pulse.

"Her heart rate is at normal speed & she's breathing well. She's fine, Queenie."

"Except for the fact that she's unconscious!"

"No, I'm not," Tina replied weakly.

"Tina," Newt breathed.

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