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Tina let two tears fall. One from each eye.

As each of the tears fell, every speck of sparkling glittery shine fell with it.

They both fell onto the letter. Right on top of the words: I love you & I'm sorry.

Queenie entered the room.

"Hi, Teen." Her eyes were red from crying. "Would you like to read mine?"

She passed Tina the letter.

Dear Queenie,

I'm sorry I left.

You know perfectly why, I felt you reading my mind this morning.

I do love Tina. I just don't know what to do about it. So, I went home.

Our paths may never cross again.

I don't think I'll be seeing you or your sister for a very long time.

Tell Tina one thing from me. I didn't have the guts to put it in her letter.

Tina. You give me hope. You give me everything I need. Except you. I feel so selfish for wanting you for myself.

You are in love. It feels wonderful, doesn't it?

I don't believe you're lustic. I believe you're genuinely happy. You eyes say so. Under the intense sparkling, you can just see it. True love. I don't know who it's for, but I don't think I can stay to find out. I love you.

Queenie, you were such a good friend to me. I'm sure you & Tina will be fine. Your futures are especially bright. They're even better without me in them.

Goodbye, Queenie.

Newton Artemis Fido Scamander

Tina was crying freely now.

"It's him. He's the holder of the true love" she sobbed.

'I have to go after him' Tina thought.

"I know you do sweetie, just be careful okay?" Queenie hugged her sister. "By the way, his parent's address is Number 7 Spring Avenue, London. He's most likely there because it's Christmas in 4 days. I'll write it down for you while you pack."

"How-how do you know where he lives?" Tina wiped her eyes.

"Read his mind, of course!!" Queenie let out a breathy giggle.

"Yes, of course." Tina smiled the smallest bit as she started packing.


"I'm going to miss you too" Tina hugged her sister.

"I'll be okay, Teen" Queenie hugged back.

"You sure?" Tina looked at her sister.

"I'm sure" Queenie looked intently into Tina's eyes.

"What?" Tina stepped back, allowing her sister to get a better look.

"The sparkling, it's gone." Queenie beamed. "Welcome back."

"I'll see you after New Years?" Tina smiled back.

"Hopefully with Newt" Queenie raised her hand, fingers crossed.

"Hopefully" Tina copied her sister's action.


"Passport miss?" A tall man wearing a uniform inquired Tina.

"Oh, here" Tina fished around in her bag & retrieved the small book.

After checking it, the man gave Tina back her passport & smiled kindly:

"Welcome to London, England"


Tina looked at the small scrap of parchment that Queenie had written on for her. It was hard to decipher her beautiful cursive handwriting.

Tina managed to read the writing & got the address.

Number 7 Spring Avenue, London


The doorbell rang.

"Mother?! When are you going to change the bell?! It's extremely extravagant." Theseus Scamander complained.

"I'm never changing that bell Theseus, now go get the door!!" A kind yet commanding voice called back.

Theseus made his way to the large double doors.

Pushing  open one of them, he saw a young lady with short, choppy, brown hair & a suitcase.

"How may I help you, miss?" Theseus smiled so charmingly it would make one faint.

"I'm here to see Mr. Newt Scamander. Does he reside here?" Tina blinked innocently.

Theseus's eyes widened. A young lady to see his younger brother?! No way!!

"One moment please, miss" He gave her a boyish grin.


"Who was it, dear?" Joanne Scamander looked over her shoulder to see her eldest son positively beaming.

"A young woman to see Newt!!" He whispered excitedly.

Joanne's eyes also widened.

"Who?!?" She exclaimed quietly.

"A pretty young thing. Lovely hair, beautiful eyes, tall, slim, has a suitcase!!!!" Theseus was whispering so fast his lips were a blur.

"I'll get Newt to answer it." She walked to the bottom of the staircase.

"Newt?! Come down!! There's something at the door for you!!" Joanne called up.

"Coming mother!" Newt came down the stairs, looking absolutely heart broken.

He passed his giggly mother & brother, & made his way to the doors.

Newt pushed one open & standing there with a suitcase was....Tina!

"Hello Newt." Tina smiled.


A neutral chapter for you guys.

Instead, I'm going to give you a sneak peak of a new character coming up.

Name: Violet

Gender: Female

Appearance: Slightly shorter than Tina. Beautifully curvy. Long wavy raven hair. Dark purple eyes. Gorgeous in general.

How does she fit in the story: Good friend of Newt's. Also, in love with him. Will do anything to get him.

You probably hate me for putting her in, but at least I gave you a heads up!

See ya soon!!

- Fangurl_700

PS. I decided to name Newt's mother after JK Rowling because, in a way, she's his real mother.

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