Missing You

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Newt re-read Tina's latest letter.

Dear Newt,

Sweet mother of Mercy Lewis, I miss you so much!!

I know you'll be back soon, but that's not stopping me from feeling lonely without you.

Nothing much has really happened lately.

Wait!! Queenie just came in to tell me something!!

She & Jacob are getting married!!!

Isn't it wonderful?!

She says that they'll have to move to England though.

But it's okay, I'll be fine by myself.

Things have been so dull without you here, it's great to hear some good news.

How are things with you?

Lots of love,


Newt smiled to himself before finishing his own letter.

Dear Tina,

I'll bet you my case full of creatures that I miss you more.

I do know that it's only been a week, but it feels like an eternity instead. 

Is it odd for me to feel empty inside when I'm without your presence? 

Anyway, that's great news!!

Queenie & Jacob, they are just perfect.

I'm glad they're happy.

And you won't be alone, I promise. I'll always be there for you.

I had another book signing yesterday.

It was horrible.

There's this irritating woman named Scarlett Thompson that comes to every signing.

She's always being a horrid flirt & just plain annoying.

Yesterday, she bought 16 books just to be able to talk to me!

I've told her all about you & how I love you more than anything in this world.

She just won't take it.

She awfully stubborn but not like your type of stubborn, I like yours.

She's basically just a pesky fly.

I hope I can forget her as soon as possible.

I also hope that you won't think too much of it.

Even more love,


Satisfied, Newt folded the letter & sealed it in an envelope before sending it off with Pyro, his phoenix.

Without fully realising, Newt left his room & made his way to the basement in his grey t-shirt & black trouser pyjamas.

"Oh...." A blush crept onto Bunty's cheeks & settled there. "New-Newt? You're st-still in your, um, you're still in your pyjamas."

"Merlin's Beard!" Newt looked down at his clothes. "Sorry, Bunty." 

With that, Newt took out his wand & transformed his pyjamas into his usual ensemble.

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