Christmas Day

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"WAKE UP YOU ALL IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!!!" Joanne pressed her wand against her throat, making her voice way too loud.

4 bedroom doors flew open.

Tina & Leta stumbled out of one, while the Scamander brothers emerged from their own rooms. Queenie & Jacob came from their shared room. (They were in different beds, though.)

"iT's ChRiStMaS!!!!!!!" Joanne yelled.

"Mother," Theseus said soothingly. "Please, lower your voice."

"Oh, alright," Joanne said in her usual loud voice.

"Happy Christmas." Theseus kissed Leta.

"Happy Christmas, Theseus." Leta smiled through the kiss.

"When is your wedding, anyway?" Tina asked.

"In February," Leta responded. "We fell in love in the Winter 2 years ago."

"That's so sweet!" Queenie smiled through an aching migraine. "Okay, just tell me how much I drank last night."

Everybody exchanged looks. They all were thinking the same thing. Too much.

"Just tell me already." Queenie rubbed her temples.

"I have some herbal tea?" Newt offered.

"Gimme." Queenie sniffed.

Newt retrieved the box & everybody retreated to the sitting room.

He conjured up a cup of hot water & passed it to Queenie, putting the small bag of tea leaves in the cup first.

"Christmas breakfast at the Scamander household is always the best." Theseus beamed.

"It really is." Leta agreed.

"Mother & Father are great chefs." Newt nodded towards the old couple rushing around their kitchen.

"I can't wait." Tina stood on her tiptoes to throw her arms around Newt's neck.

"Not that I'm complaining, but why are you hugging me?" Newt wrapped his arms around her waist tightly.

"Because I love you & I love being here with you. You could have sent me back to America but you didn't." Tina mumbled into his shirt.

"How could I send you back? I was was heartbroken for days until you came here." Newt kissed her cheek.

"I love you," Tina whispered into his ear.

"Not as much as I love you." Newt murmured back.

"It's like watching an adorable soap opera." Jacob whispered loudly to the others.

"True. Very true." Theseus agreed.

Tina let go of Newt's neck but still clutched his hand tightly.

"bReAkFaSt!!!!!" Joanne sang. "Everybody in!!"

Everybody spilled into the kitchen. They all gathered around the table. On it was chocolate chip pancakes, crispy bacon, french toast, hash browns, three types of eggs & blueberry muffins.

"Yesssss." Jacob beamed.

"Dig in everybody!!" William smiled kindly.

They all took a seat.

Nobody spoke for a while except for "pass the eggs" or "more maple syrup."

After everybody had eaten until they were full enough to burst, they all rose from their chairs & went back to the sitting room.

"I'm a chef & that was like, the second best meal I've ever had in my life." Jacob said happily. "I think you guys remember my favourite," the baker winked at Newt, Tina & Queenie.

"I believe I do." Newt nodded, smiling.

"I remember as if it were yesterday," Queenie said, mistily.

"That was the most awkward dinner I ever had." Tina laughed.

"You & Newt kept looking at either your plates or each other." Queenie teased.

"I actually remember that. It was literally the night we all met & you two were already staring all doe-eyed at each other." Jacob added.

Newt & Tina both blushed. It was true though. Their gazes kept flickering up to each other the whole dinner.

"Proof that Newt & Tina were in love from the start!!" Joanne piped in.

"You two do make a lovely couple." William pitched in.

Soon, the whole group was commenting on how well they look together & how adorable they were. Every single compliment a couple could be given was mentioned in the conversation.

Newt & Tina was blushing like crazy.

Suddenly the doorbell rang.

"I thought we already sent away the orchestra." Jacob looked confused.

"Jacob, honey, that's their doorbell." Queenie giggled.

"Ohhh, right. I forgot."

Theseus just sighed.

"I'll get it." Newt offered.

The magizooligist made his way to the front doors.

Pushing one open, he saw a woman with fiery red hair standing there.

"Oh, hello Bunty. Happy Christmas" Newt smiled.

"Newt! I heard you were back! I came here to check." The redhead beamed.

"Come inside." Newt opened the door wider.

"Thank you! You're such a gentleman. Happy Christmas, by the way."

Newt lead the young woman back to the sitting room.

"Everybody. You all know Bunty." Newt nodded to his parents, brother & future sister-in-law.

"Jacob, this is Bunty. She's my assistant." Newt introduced the two.

"Merry Christmas, Bunty." The American man smiled.

"Bunty, this is Queenie. Another good friend of mine." 

Bunty eyed the blonde haired woman. She was very pretty. A flash of jealousy went through her. It only lasted a second, though.

"Nice to meet you, Queenie." Bunty shook her hand.

"Bunty, this is Tina." Newt lead the redhead over to the brunette.

Jealousy flooded Bunty's veins. Tina. The girl that Newt is always talking about.

"My girlfriend," Newt continued.

Bunty's heart almost stopped.

"N-nice to meet you." She managed to choke out.

"Likewise!" Tina smiled. She rather liked Bunty. She was quiet, cute & obviously an animal lover. Almost like a female equivalent of Newt.

Bunty took a deep breath.

"Newt," she turned to him, "I thought you would like to come back to your apartment & check on the creatures?"

"Yes." Newt nodded. "I wanted to show Tina my place anyways."

"Lovely." The redhead gulped.


Poor Bunty!! She's so sweet!!

See ya soon!!

PS. The drama is creeping closer.

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