Meeting The Boyfriend

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"Will you be my girlfriend, Tina?"

It had been 3 weeks since Isaac & Tina's first date. It was very successful. So successful it turned into a second. Then a third.

Tina beamed. "Of course!!"

Isaac kissed her softly.

The couple sat on the very same bench Newt was on, 4 weeks ago.

Everybody was out, enjoying their Saturday. (Except for those who just stayed in with a book.)

Tina had a feeling it was going to be a good day.


Angela was back in New York City.

The woman was just walking in the park when she saw Tina Goldstein sitting with a man.

And he wasn't Newt.

Angela watched as he leaned over & kissed the brunette.

Tying up her, slightly greying, dark red hair, Angela apparated away with one thing on her mind.

Time for some more matchmaking.


Newt knocked softly on the door.

Tina opened it, ushering him in.

Closing the door, Tina turned to face her friend.

"Where in the name of Deliverance Dane have you been?"

"Sorry. You said dinner."

"You only come for short visits & then you just disappear! Where do you go? You always come back."

"Yes, well, that's when I was staying with you."

Tina was taken aback.

"And you're not right now?"

Newt shook his head.

"I may have forgotten to mention it."

"Where are you staying then?"

"I bought an apartment, Tina." Newt walked over to the window.

Tina followed him.

Newt pointed at the window directly across them.

"That's my place."

Tina felt a horrible sinking feeling.

She had been living with Newt for almost a year. The feeling that he wouldn't be there for her was just awful.

Get a grip, Goldstein. Tina told herself. You're not dating Newt anymore. You're dating Isaac. Just ask Isaac if you need anything.

"Now, if ever you need anything-" Newt began, "-just hold up your wand & say te requiro."

Curious, Tina picked up her wand did as told.

Newt's wand lit up. Not just any normal Lumos light. Shimmering, golden light.

"It's-it's just something I thought up." Newt looked at the golden rays.

"How does it stop?" Tina asked.

"I have to do this." Newt touched the end of Tina's wand with his own. The light went out.  

Tina fought the urge to kiss him.

No. Please? No... Just one small, intense, loving kiss? ......No. Please?!

"Newt, come by my office tomorrow. There's someone I want you to meet." Tina blurted.



The brunette paced around her office.

Isaac went to get Tina her 4th cup of coffee that day.

Butterflies were fluttering in her stomach all night & she was unable to sleep.

She was going to introduce Newt to Isaac. No biggie.


Queenie told Tina that Newt was put under the Imperius Curse. 

Tina asked her how she knew.

The blonde had just shrugged & replied saying she tried to get the memory out of him but there was no memory.

Tina believed her. Plus, Newt had told her multiple times.

The thing was, she was already with Isaac when she finally believed them.

So, now Newt & Isaac were meeting.

The love of her life & Isaac.


The love of her life & Newt.


She couldn't refer to Isaac as the love of her life.

She just couldn't.


"Ti-Tina?" Newt called, knocking on her office door.

"Come on in Newt!" 

Newt opened the door to reveal Tina standing next to a familiar looking man with black waves of hair.

They were holding hands.

"Newt, meet Isaac. Isaac, meet Newt," Tina spoke nervously. 

"Isaac," she addressed her boyfriend, "this is Newt Scamander. He's basically my best friend."

That hurt Newt more than it should have.

"Newt, this is-"

"Isaac Hawthorn," Newt said, slowly.

"My boyfriend, Isaac Hawthorn," Tina finished, perplexed.

"Newt Scamander. It's been a while." Isaac grinned widely.

Newt gave a weak smile.

Boyfriend. Isaac Hawthorn was Tina's boyfriend.

"How-how do you two know each other?" Tina asked.

"Other than Leta, Isaac was the only student in my year who wasn't unkind to me." Newt looked at him, smiling properly. "Thanks for that, by the way."

"I always had a feeling that you would be a significant person in society one day," Isaac smirked. "Now look at you! A famous author!! If only Carla Tolly could see you now."

"Who's Carla Tolly?" Tina looked at her boyfriend.

"Carla Tolly was the Ravenclaw girl Newt asked to Hogsmeade in our Second Year. She just had a laughing fit & went with a First Year instead."

"I saw her reading a book on magical creatures in the library. That's the only reason why I even asked her," Newt chuckled.

Tina was happy that her best friend & boyfriend got along so well.

"I'm getting more coffee," Tina announced. "You two want some?"

"Tea, please." Newt & Isaac said in unison.

Tina laughed, shaking her head. "Brits."


Also kinda short. Meh. It's late & I'm tired.

So, Newt & Isaac as childhood friends!

Did you see that coming? No, you didn't.

See ya soon!

- Fangurl_700

PS. te requiro is Latin for I need you.

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